Women's Health


Intelligent Medicine Podcast: Healing Fibroids Part 2
April 1, 2014
Dr. H continues his conversation with Dr. Allan Warshowsky, America’s foremost integrative GYN and author of "Healing Fibroids



Intelligent Medicine Podcast: Healing Fibroids Part 1

Dr. Allan Warshowsky, America’s foremost integrative GYN discusses his book "Healing Fibroids”: What is estrogen dominance? Why are bio-identical hormones superior to synthetic pharmaceutical drugs? The downsides of the birth control pill. Healing with acupuncture, traditional Chinese medicine, castor oil packs, and guided visualization. Plus, natural cures for polycystic ovaries (PCOS) and endometriosis.



Intelligent Medicine Podcast: Female Sexual Dysfunction P. 2
March 20, 2014
Part 2 of Dr. Hoffman's conversation with Dr. Madeline Castellanos, board-certified psychiatrist specializing in the treatment of sexual dysfunction.



Intelligent Medicine Podcast: Female Sexual Dysfunction P. 1

Why do so many women complain of loss of libido and inability to achieve orgasm? Why do Viagra and testosterone work for men, but for women . . . not so much? The key to optimal sexual response: “PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE!” A new medical breakthrough--electrical stimulation; are women pressured too much to perform like porn stars? Could your allergy medicine or cold remedy be impairing your sexual response? Are there natural aphrodisiacs for women? Dr. H. talks to Dr. Madeline Castellanos, board-certified psychiatrist specializing in the treatment of sexual dysfunction.



Intelligent Medicine Podcast: Q&A with Leyla; combatting estrogen dominance syndrome
March 7, 2014
Q&A with Leyla: "Natural" pesticides as bad as synthetic pesticides? Treatment for carpal tunnel syndrome; combatting estrogen dominance syndrome; a tough case of deficiency anemia; the meaning of MTHFR genetic mutation; is MesoZeaxanthin preferable to regular zeaxanthin for eye protection?



Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for March 1 Part 1
March 3, 2014
Overzealous blood pressure control may be harmful to the elderly; Tylenol in pregnancy raises risk of hyperactivity in offspring; outlandish new diagnostic codes bedevil doctors; smoking raises risk of a cancer once thought not to be caused by tobacco; probiotics protect against America's most common liver disorder. Click here for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.



Intelligent Medicine for January 21, 2014
January 30, 2014
Natural therapies for pregnancy and infertility: Pre-conceptual planning--what are the dietary ingredients for a healthy baby? What nutrients help overcome infertility? Is there a role for supplements in optimizing pregnancy outcomes? What about acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine? Stress reduction and relaxation techniques? Dr. Jaclyn Chasse shares tips for overcoming pregnancy problems



Intelligent Medicine for October 23, 2013
October 23, 2013
Think Before You Pink: to commemorate Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Dr. H. interviews Karuna Jaggar, Executive Director of Breast Cancer Action, to discuss deficiencies of our current approach to breast cancer prevention and treatment.



Intelligent Medicine: Suzanne Somers
September 24, 2013
Dr. H interviews Suzanne Somers, author of the new bestseller "I'm Too Young for This! The Natural Hormone Solution to Enjoy Perimenopause"


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