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Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for July 18, Part 1 July 20, 2020 Are sunscreen chemicals putting you, your kids, or your developing fetus at risk? Bone-growth stimulators for healing fractures—can you still use them if you have a pacemaker? Natural “Testosterone precursors”—do they really forestall muscle loss? How do plant-based meat substitutes compare to animal protein for fending off sarcopenia? Medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs) forestall cognitive decline in frail elderly; Acid blockers render patients more susceptible to COVID-19; Pre- and probiotics to support a coronavirus-resistant microbiome; Study links fermented vegetable consumption to reduced risk of dying of COVID-19; Think zinc for immunity. Click HERE for part 2. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.
Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for July 18, Part 2
The highly politicized hydroxychloroquine controversy; A caller worries that errant saliva from a passing bicyclist might infect her with coronavirus; How soon to test for COVID-19 after a possible exposure—and what about false negatives? The glutathione connection to COVID-19 complications and death; Medical societies urge quarantined persons to get some vitamin D amid lockdown; The debate over whether schools should reopen—are kids capable of turning classrooms into hot zones? Study reveals people experience “time warp” during lockdown; Stay-at-home orders are particularly hard on the overweight trying to shed pounds. Click HERE for part 1. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.
Q&A with Leyla, Part 2: Intermittent Fasting July 15, 2020 My cholesterol levels are far less than optimal. What can I do about it?; A family member has stage 4 colon cancer and is on chemotherapy. Is there a probiotic you recommend?; What are your thoughts on Intermittent Fasting for postmenopausal women? Is it effective? Click HERE for part 1.
Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for July 11, Part 1 July 13, 2020 Missing the ball on the twin pandemics: Non-communicable diseases claim far more lives than COVID-19. More people died this spring—and not just from the virus; Zinc’s immune-supportive role; Why are some people asymptomatic? When it comes to predicting severity of COVID-19, frailty trumps age or comorbidities. FDA eyes ban on bio-identical hormone replacement; Are vegans at higher risk of mental health problems? Click HERE for part 2. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.
ENCORE: Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for July 4, Part 1 July 6, 2020 Do you have “poor protoplasm”? It might make you more likely to succumb to Coronavirus; Why your metabolic fitness may be a determinant of your risk; Mask misdirection—public health officials do a U-turn on facial barriers. What to do? Gina Haynie, founder of Future Pharm Botanicals, talks about efforts to ramp up production of oregano and elderberry products. Click HERE for part 2. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.
ENCORE: Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for July 4, Part 2
Amid a call for more testing, false-negative test results undermine confidence in mass-screenings; NT Factor for CFS? What role for Serrapeptase? Walking may help sufferers of IBS; Research reveals magnesium essential to therapeutic action of vitamin D; Fiber, but not from grains, associated with reduced death rate in new study; “Zombie eating“—why mealtime screens promote digital distraction that blunts satiety signals and promotes overeating; Those heavily-promoted new psoriasis drugs found only marginally effective in post-marketing studies; Mediterranean diet reduces risk of kidney stones. Click HERE for part 1. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.
Leyla Weighs In: Natural Sugar Substitutes July 3, 2020 Nutritionist Leyla Muedin answers this listener question: Can you share your knowledge about natural sugar substitutes like date sugar, monk fruit, and coconut sugar? Plus, what is the cause of your fatigue? The impact of mitochondrial function on fatigue.
Report From the Frontlines of COVID-19, Part 1 July 2, 2020 Dr. Jaime Salas-Rushford reports from the frontlines of COVID-19 treatment at one of New York’s hardest-hit hospitals. He’s an integrative physician who serves as Medical Director of FITbodymd Medicine in Puerto Rico, but responded to the call to treat patients during the height of the coronavirus pandemic in New York City. He reflects on the lessons learned: Ventilators are overused; hydroxychloroquine seems to have helped; patients with COVID-19 need basic inexpensive supportive care, administered promptly; vitamin C and zinc were liberally used in the hospital. He also notes that patients who take supplements regularly seemed to fare better. As the author of "Fight Colds, Flu and Other Infections with AHCC," he’s convinced of its efficacy in supporting immunity. Dr. Salas-Rushford claims “COVID-19 was an eye-opener” and we need to learn from it to cultivate resilience to weather future challenges. He says the pandemic has revealed the vulnerabilities of our health care system, which needs more emphasis on old-fashioned primary care, and a restoration of the doctor-patient relationship. Dr. Salas-Rushford is currently advising businesses in New York City on how to safely reopen; he’s concerned that excessive restrictions will irrevocably damage the economy and affect the livelihoods of Americans, with devastating effects on their mental and physical well-being. Click HERE for part 2.
Report From the Frontlines of COVID-19, Part 2
Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Integrative Physician Dr. Jaime Salas-Rushford. Click HERE for part 1.
Q&A with Leyla, Part 2: Intermittent Leg Pains July 1, 2020 --My wife has been sick with intermittent bronchitis and pneumonia since last year and it is only intensifying - help!
--My husband suffered a stroke last year and has some residual symptoms. Where can I take him for treatment in the Naples, Florida area?
--I'm 83 with well-controlled diabetes and kidney disease. Can I take metformin and/or L-glutamine?
--My five-year-old granddaughter has intermittent leg pains. Any recommendations?
--My recent blood tests reveal high B12 and folate levels? Should I be concerned?
Click HERE for part 1.