

Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for January 23, Part 2
January 25, 2016
Frontline gets it wrong big-time about supplements; Fish oil "expert" shills for Big Pharma, reaps financial rewards for panning the competition; Nordic Naturals CEO responds to fish oil critics; New study shows Aged Garlic Extract can reduce dangerous plaque buildup in arteries. Click HERE for part 1. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.



Q&A with Leyla, Part 2
January 13, 2016
My migraines returned when I stopped taking niacin for high cholesterol, is this withdrawal? What supplements can I take for mitral valve prolapse and regurgitation of the bicuspid valve? I’ve read that olive oil causes endothelial dysfunction after meals, is this true? Are there any supplements helpful for myasthenia gravis? Click HERE for part 1.



Q&A with Leyla, Part 2
January 7, 2016
Should men over 50 be taking testosterone supplements? Does the Ketogenic diet cause ketoacidosis? How do I know if I’m taking the right dose of fish oil? Click HERE for part 1.



Q&A with Leyla, Part 1
December 23, 2015
“Psychobioitics” and “ecobiotics” tap power of the microbiome to target mood and disease. Don’t give your dog xylitol! Is it OK to take vitamin K with the blood thinner, Xarelto? What is causing my aluminum level to increase? Click HERE for part 2.



Q&A with Leyla, Part 2

What do you suggest for a 39-year-old female with low energy? I’m taking dilaudid for 10 years and suffer from constipation, what can I take? How exactly does insulin cause scarring of the inner lining of blood vessels? What is the best time to take certain supplements like magnesium and CoQ10? Click HERE for part 1.



Everything You Ever Wanted to Know about Vitamin E, Part 1
December 15, 2015
Jolie Root, nurse, nutritionist, radio host and health educator takes us on a tour of Vitamin E and tocotrienols. How prevalent is Vitamin E deficiency—and why aren’t Americans getting enough without supplementation? There are many different forms of vitamin E—which are the best? Is vitamin E safe? How much should you take? Why has research been contradictory as to the benefits of Vitamin E? What role does Vitamin E play in heart health? In Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s Disease? In liver disease? For certain forms of cancer? In eye health? For athletes? For bolstering immunity? As an anti-aging supplement? For diabetics? What unique properties do tocotrienols demonstrate in reducing cholesterol, reversing fatty liver, and preventing cancer? Click HERE for part 2.



Everything You Ever Wanted to Know about Vitamin E, Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Jolie Root, nurse, nutritionist, radio host and health educator who takes us on a tour of Vitamin E and tocotrienols. Click HERE for part 1.



The Holidays: A Prolonged Assault on Our Microbiome, Part 1
November 24, 2015
The holidays are beginning, and so starts a prolonged assault on our microbiome. The bacteria that inhabit our gastrointestinal tracts are responsible not just for proper digestion, but also for mood, metabolism, weight, and immunity. Martie Whittekin, Board-Certified Clinical Nutritionist, author, and host of her own nationally-syndicated talk radio show, Healthy by Nature ( describes the many functions served by our internal microbial community; how stress, junk food, sugar, alcohol, acid-blockers, chemically treated tap water, unnatural birth practices, vacations to exotic venues and toxic food additives can threaten our microbiome. What role do probiotics play? How to select the proper probiotic? What are PRE-biotics? What are bacteriocins? How, when, and in what quantity should you take probiotics? What role does aloe vera play in restoring GI health? Click HERE for part 2.



The Holidays: A Prolonged Assault on Our Microbiome, Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Martie Whittekin, Board-Certified Clinical Nutritionist. Click HERE for part 1.



All the Breaking Health News from the American College for Advancement in Medicine Meeting, Part 1
November 19, 2015
I recently attended the annual meeting of the American College for Advancement in Medicine (ACAM) in Las Vegas. Here’s a brief synopsis of some of the highlights: • Dr. Tony Lamas presented the results of the TACT study—a resounding vindication of chelation therapy. In fact, chelation works better than any known drug to prevent heart disease! • Drs. Jennifer Landa and Lynn Patrick addressed environmental toxins: What are signs that your detox systems are failing? What supplements help to restore them? • Dr. Russell Jaffee lists the tests that assess your anti-aging defenses • Cancer: High-tech breakthroughs, hyperthermia, and the ketogenic diet (Dr. Thomas Seyfried) • Dr. Tom Guilliams on adrenal function, saliva cortisol tests, the effects of stress, and natural adaptogens • Preconception planning, pregnancy and infancy with Dr. Martha Herbert • Nutrigenomics—how genetic analysis can guide diet and supplement choices Click HERE for part 2.


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