

Natural Treatment for Metabolic Syndrome, Part 2
February 16, 2017
Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Jim LaValle, Founder and Chairman of Metabolic Code Enterprises about Metabolic Syndrome and the benefits of Kyolic Aged Garlic. Click HERE for part 1.



Q&A with Leyla, Part 1
February 15, 2017
The extraordinary benefits of EGCG in the treatment of cancer and other life-threatening diseases. Can I take all my supplements once instead of twice a day, is there a downside to doing that? Is there evidence that probiotics survive passage through the stomach, and what happens when taking antibiotics? My daily probiotic works very well for me but when my sister takes it she feels very bloated, why? My doctor prefers I take Trazodone for sleep instead of Ambien due to risk of dementia with Ambien, what are your thoughts? Click HERE for part 2.



Q&A with Leyla, Part 2

Dr. Hoffman's Top 10 supplements for 2017: but where are resveratrol and vitamin D? Are any of your recommended supplements not recommended for high blood pressure? Have you heard of Apos therapy and, if so, what do you think of it? Can you comment on the efficacy and safety of using DMSA, DMPS or EDTA orally to remove heavy metals? Click HERE for part 1.



Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for February 11, Part 2
February 13, 2017
What to do for urinary discomfort in the absence of bacteria? How to help a child with elevated liver function tests? Glyphosate from "Roundup-ready" GMO products can cause hepatic damage at low concentrations; A caller shares that high-dose fish oil has helped her back pain; Vitamin D and magnesium help metabolic syndrome; Tonsil removal offers only modest, short-term benefits; Could your diet or supplements interfere with your thyroid meds? Click HERE for part 1. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.



Q&A With Leyla, Part 1
February 1, 2017
Why you STILL need to take your vitamins. Hot Shot liquid for leg cramps. Any suggestions on how I can choose a reputable program in the holistic nutrition field? Click HERE for part 2.



Q&A With Leyla, Part 2

What supplements can my 47-year-old daughter take with multiple autoimmune conditions? What supplements should I take after surgery to repair a ruptured bicep tendon? My husband has hemochromatosis, what should his ferritin level be? Help! My 9-year old granddaughter is significantly overweight while the rest of her family is not. What could be the cause? Click HERE for part 1.



Q&A with Leyla, Part 1
January 25, 2017
Would the supplement, Moducare, help with chronic fatigue syndrome? Can you regain muscle mass after age 60? My doctor told me to take 45 mcg vitamin K2 along with vitamin D but isn’ t the correct dose 90 – 180 mcg? Click HERE for part 2.



Q&A with Leyla, Part 2

What are your thoughts on the study that showed supplemental curcumin to be less bioavailable than a teaspoon of turmeric in cooking?...I’m taking Propax but noticed the vitamin D dose is low, should I take more vitamin D?...I travel a lot internationally, how can I prevent Helicobacter pylori infection?...Any supplements to help heal a perforated ear drum? I’ve heard it is better to have an alkaline system vs. an acidic system, is this true?...I’ve lost my sense of smell and taste, is this unavoidable with age? Click HERE for part 1.



Q&A with Leyla, Part 2
January 18, 2017
Are there any natural blood thinners I can take for anticardiolipin syndrome? What do you think of heart rate variability as a measure or marker of health status, do you ever use it as a tool to prepare for marathons? Do you recommend daily coconut oil supplementation? If so, what time of day and how much? I live in northern Minnesota, how can I get vitamin D during the winter when sunlight is scarce? Click HERE for part 1.



Fermented Cod Liver Oil—health boon or bane? Part 1
January 12, 2017
Dr. Kaayla Daniel, the “Naughty Nutritionist,” dishes on the potential hazards of this popular health fad. Is it really fermented—or just rancid? Does it deliver adequate vitamin A, D, and EPA/DHA? Can its use lead to health problems? As the co-author of "Nourishing Broth," what’s her take on the health community’s current infatuation with broths? How should they be prepared? How do they fill in gaps left when people just consume muscle meats in lieu of other animal parts? Are there circumstances where too much broth can backfire? What about commercial products like “instant broth?” As the author of "The Whole Soy Story: The Dark Side of America’s Favorite Health Food," Dr. Kaayla weighs in on soy hazards. Does this mean no one should ever consume soy? Click HERE for part 2.


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