Skin & Hair


Q&A with Leyla, Part 1
May 16, 2018
Low carb diet may be helpful in type 1 diabetes. (Duh!) Is metformin really a wonder drug? Can a gastroenterologist tell if one has leaky gut during a colonoscopy? A listener with severe acne for about a year, what could be causing it? Click HERE for part 2.



The Nutraceuticals of the Decade? Part 1
May 1, 2018
There’s more to hemp than just CBD (cannabidiol). So says Carl Germano, expert on cannabinoids and Vice President of Verdant Oasis, a quality manufacturer and supplier of hemp-sourced products. Germano explains the “Entourage Effect” whereby numerous compounds in hemp act synergistically on a multitude of physiological pathways. Natural plant-derived cannabinoids have the potential to be the nutraceuticals of the decade. They have been used in folk medicine for nervous disorders and painful conditions for millennia. What’s their utility for headaches? For back pain? As an alternative to opiates and NSAIDs? For insomnia? To prevent and reverse osteoporosis? For ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s Disease? For skin problems? To support athletic performance and recovery? For neurodegenerative disorders? Even for cancer? Why has hemp been unfairly stigmatized? What’s its legal status? How do the various delivery systems compare: oral capsules, tinctures, vaping, vs. topical application? Germano details what consumers should look for in terms of quality considerations. As a postscript, in light of his authorship of The Osteoporosis Solution, Germano weighs in on the bone benefits of ipriflavone.



Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for April 14, Part 1
April 16, 2018
Flu vaccine may prompt “Dengue-like” reaction when recipients get flu; Medical students complain they learn nothing about nutrition; Authors of medical textbooks receive undisclosed payments from drug companies and device manufacturers; An 86 year old seeks natural support for hair loss; Restroom hand dryers spew bacteria onto hands, into air; A disturbing link between statin drug use and ALS; Sitting, known to be bad for the heart, now found to be bad for the brain; New evidence exonerates once-maligned full-fat dairy. Click HERE for part 2. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.



CBD (Cannabidiol)—could it be the nutraceutical of the year? Part 1
March 27, 2018
Retired military physician and West Point graduate Philip Blair, MD is an internationally-recognized expert on CBD: What is it? Is it legal? Why are hemp sources of CBD preferred over marijuana-derived CBD? Will it make you high? Uncoordinated? Are there other untoward effects? Addiction or dependency potential? What does research tell us about the endocannabinoid system? Does CBD have the potential to alleviate pain and help curb the opioid epidemic? What can CBD do for anxiety, depression or PTSD? For head injuries? For neurodegenerative disorders? Seizures? As a sleep aid? GI ailments? What’s the basis of its anti-inflammatory effects? Can it address skin disorders and promote healing? Does it enhance athletic performance and speed recovery time? What’s the difference between tinctures, oral capsules, liposomal forms, topical lotions, and vaping solutions? Why is the “entourage effect” important? Can pets benefit from CBD? How do you evaluate the quality of CBD products? Click HERE for part 2. And click HERE for the article, "The Scientific Evidence Proving CBD’s Benefits," for more information.



Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for March 10, Part 2
March 12, 2018
Is it a problem if someone has an inordinate craving for salt if they’re otherwise healthy? Is my dermatologist right in telling me that I take too many supplements? Can leucine stave of sarcopenia in senior women? What’s the story on the new shingles vaccine? How having children might shorten your telomeres; Air pollution linked to brain alteration that might affect children’s IQ and behavior; Authors of America’s premier medical textbook fail to disclose BigPharma payoffs; Over 3/4 million annual cancer cases worldwide are attributable to overweight and Type 2 diabetes. Click HERE for part 1. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.



Empower Yourself to be Healthier and Look Your Best, Part 1
January 25, 2018
Kat James, the award-winning author of “The Truth About Beauty” and a renowned “beauty from within” transformation expert, shares her message of empowerment and some of her successful strategies for a healthy new you in 2018. Hear why good gut health is an important foundation for your overall health & beauty. What should people look for in a probiotic? Do probiotics help with skincare? Can probiotics also help even hormonal health? Your skin possesses its own microbiome, so harsh soaps and antibacterial cleansers deplete it and set the stage for acne and inflammation. Why generating glutathione internally with Reg’ Activ might be preferable to applying glutathione topically in expensive skin creams as a way of rejuvenating skin. Click HERE for part 2.



Q&A with Leyla, Part 2
October 25, 2017
Risk factors for compromised kidney status and supplements to help protect kidney function. I'm 65 and recently started taking blood pressure medications, now my hair is falling out--help! I have both ankylosing spondylitis and Lyme disease, any suggestions on treatment? Click HERE for part 1.



Q&A With Leyla, Part 1
August 16, 2017
Salad and Salmon diet should be Salad and Mammoth diet according to studies. The difference between farmed and organic salmon. Do you think Applied Kinesiology aka "muscle testing" works? I have atherosclerotic plaque along the aortic and iliac arteries, would I benefit from Kyolic Aged Garlic Extract? What is your opinion on hair tissue mineral analysis, is it valid or bogus? Click HERE for part 2.



Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for July 22, Part 2
July 24, 2017
Natural treatment for depression unresponsive to drugs; Drinking coffee could lead to longer life (and it's not about the caffeine!); Do heart medications cause liver problems? Placenta pill craze puts newborn in intensive care unit; What drugs are in the salmon you're eating? Mountaineer dies while trying to scale Everest--he was 85! Tomatoes may shield against sunburn; L-glutamine offers hope to sickle cell anemia sufferers. Click HERE for part 1. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.



Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for July 8, Part 1
July 10, 2017
A caller with venous insufficiency and Type 2 diabetes; A megadose of Vitamin D quells sunburn pain, redness; Natural treatment of restless leg syndrome; Vitamin D vs. cardiovascular disease; Is curcumin a blood thinner? Treatment for underactive adrenals. Click HERE for part 2. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.


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