Q&A with Leyla


Q&A with Leyla, Part 1: Coronavirus Update
January 23, 2020
Update on Coronavirus; Association of fish oil supplements and testicular function in young men; My doctor said that nicotinamide riboside has been connected to strokes. Is that right? Click HERE for part 2.



Q&A with Leyla, Part 2: Russian Peptides

My 70-year-old brother had a TURP operation a year ago. Is there a certain diet he should follow?; Do you have any thoughts on the Russian Peptides known as natural bioregulators?; Does taking my morning probiotic and nighttime glycine interrupt my Intermittent Fasting routine? Click HERE for part 1.



Q&A with Leyla, Part 1: Intermittent Fasting
January 8, 2020
Books reviews and diet advice; Do you still recommend Propax with NT Factor?; I've had nail fungus on my big toe for a couple of years. Any recommendations?; Do I have to skip my morning coffee if I'm doing Intermittent Fasting? Will IF slow down my metabolism? Click HERE for part 2.



Q&A with Leyla, Part 2: Vitamin B6, Vitamin D, CoQ10 and more!

What is the connection between vitamin B6 and Parkinson's disease?; Fasting for cholesterol blood tests are no longer recommended per a recent article in JAMA. Why?; What is the ideal reference range for CoQ10 in the blood?; How would you respond to the assertion from Consumer Labs that vitamin D isn't beneficial beyond a certain range? Click HERE for part 1.



ENCORE: Q&A with Leyla, Part 1
January 1, 2020
Nicotinamide Riboside shown to improve mitochondrial energy production and memory in Alzheimer's disease research. Great analysis of the canola oil/Alzheimer's study! Are there similar studies with other types of oil? A better version of vitamin B1 to help prevent Alzheimer's: Allithiamine. Click HERE for part 2.



ENCORE: Q&A with Leyla, Part 2

Sometimes I find myself in a fit of sneezing after a meal, why does this happen? Is the sweetener Stevia a potential endocrine disruptor? A patient taking 1 tsp of D-mannose twice daily for UTI has had success avoiding infections but her HgbA1c went from 5.8 to 6.1. Is D-mannose caloric? Click HERE for part 1.



Q&A with Leyla Christmas Edition, Part 1: Heart Failure Helped by CoQ10
December 25, 2019
One in three mid-income countries are now both overweight and malnourished; Statin associated cardiomyopathy and heart failure helped by CoQ10; Is there any alternative treatment for ileocecal valve syndrome besides antibiotics? Click HERE for part 2.



Q&A with Leyla Christmas Edition, Part 2: Food Intolerances

My 5-year-old son has multiple food intolerances, asthma, eczema, and now bed-wetting. Help!; What do you think of the hCG diet? Would you advise it or do you think it's dangerous?; After Verticle Sleeve Gastrectomy, I've regained the weight! Would low carb dieting and intermittent fasting help me?; I'm APOE 4/4. Where do I go from here? Is Alzheimer's a certainty for me? Click HERE for part 1.



Q&A with Leyla, Part 1: Triglycerides and Meat
December 18, 2019
My triglycerides are very high so I've decided to give up meat. Am I doing the right thing?; Why do I keep getting large colon polyps? Is there anything I can do to prevent them?; I've started your Bone Protocol after surgery for my broken ankle. Would you also recommend adding a protein shake too? Click HERE for part 2.



Q&A with Leyla, Part 2: Infrared Sauna?

How do you treat Parkinson's Disease? I understand your protocol is similar to Dr. Perlmutter's; I eat Gorgonzola cheese regularly which is made with a species of Penicillin mold. Am I destroying my microbiome?; I have a lot of fat loss around my waist and rib cage despite a high calorie diet. What gives?; What do you think of infrared sauna? Is it beneficial for health? Click HERE for part 1.


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