Prescription Drugs


Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for December 21, Part 2
December 23, 2019
Surprise: Restricting SNAP benefits to fruits and vegetables DID NOT promote healthier diet choices among food aid recipients; Low FODMAP diet for irritable bowel syndrome; Birth control pills found to shrink brain’s hypothalamus; Probiotic relieves Infant colic symptoms; Health professional contends that dairy consumption by adults is not “unnatural”; Caller shares his experience with plant-based diet that reversed his Type 2 diabetes; Migraines get a green light; CT scans up cancer risk. Click HERE for part 1. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.



Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for December 7, Part 2
December 9, 2019
To lose weight, improve metabolism, restrict food intake to 10 hour window; Switching from coffee, tea and soda to water alleviates GERD; Optimizing Omega 6:3 ratio; NSAID harms; CBD benefits for lupus; Levi’s teams with Hollywood filmmakers to highlight dangers of “forever chemicals”; Flavanals from cocoa and tea linked to improved cardiovascular outcomes; BMJ challenges other medical journals to free themselves from BigPharma influence; Life expectancy in U.S.—steadily rising from 1960 to 2014—suddenly takes a nosedive; Hair dyes and straighteners hike breast cancer risk. Click HERE for part 1. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.



Q&A with Leyla, Part 2: Statins Effect on Blood Sugar
December 4, 2019
Are there any long term negative effects of taking a daily 325 mg aspirin to prevent heart disease?; Is there such a health condition that would cause the loss of body fat, especially subcutaneous fat?; Soon after I started taking a statin, my blood sugar went up! Do you agree that I should take Metformin? Click HERE for part 1.



Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for November 9, Part 2
November 11, 2019
Doctors-in-training around the world receive scant nutrition instruction; As little as 15 minutes a day of walking could save billions in health care costs and productivity—but quality is more important than quantity; Is meat a source of deadly bacteria as vegetarian activists proclaim? Wild about saffron—it combats depression and neurodegenerative disease; When it comes to natural medicine, don’t rely on Wikipedia’s biased entries; Statins tied to risk of staph skin infections, and beta-blockers can exacerbate psoriasis. Click HERE for part 1. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.



Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for October 26, Part 2
October 28, 2019
Migraine treatments; vitamin D for migraines; Potato purée as effective as sugary gels for long-distance endurance athletes; Stress hikes risk for life-threatening infections; Lifting weights as you age cuts risk of premature death by 46%; Prescription eye drops may eventually supplant need for reading glasses; Fatty liver prevalent among teens—even kids of normal weight; Study dispels myth that high school contact sports put kids at risk for eventual cognitive decline; Fecal transplants may relieve IBS—but only if obtained from a “super donor.” Click HERE for part 1. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.



Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for October 19, Part 2
October 21, 2019
How the baby food industry hooks toddlers on sugar, salt and fat; “Fruit drinks” for kids often contain little or no fruit and are laden with sugar; Mushrooms vs. prostate cancer; Is it OK for kids to be raised vegan? Supplements vs. dementia; Common bladder medication linked to degenerative eye condition; Alpha lipoic acid and progesterone vs. retinitis pigmentosa; New drugs show promise against macular degeneration; Johnson & Johnson hit with record 8 billion dollar penalty for not revealing side effects of popular anti-psychotic. Click HERE for part 1. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.



Q&A with Leyla, Part 2
October 16, 2019
I have abnormal results on endoscopy of my esophagus and stomach. Will taking NAD cause cancer?; Thank you for your modalities on autoimmunity!; I eat a big breakfast but I still want more even though my stomach is full. What gives?; What are your thoughts about the 24-hour iodine test on skin? Is it valid or out of date?; How do I go about finding a family doctor who takes a proactive approach to healthcare? Click HERE for part 1.



ENCORE: Drug Interactions and Side Effects, Part 1
October 15, 2019
Studies show that 1.5 million Americans are hurt each year by preventable medicine errors. Many people are unaware that over-the-counter (OTC) analgesics can cause potentially serious adverse effects when used in combination with other common medications. Robert Baker realized there was a problem with people obtaining overall drug information after conducting extensive research. As a pharmacist, Robert has had extensive patient interaction for over the last 30 years. This gave him great insight into what patients need to have – useful at hand knowledge of their medications. Some of the more important issues patients stressed were over-the-counter (OTC) interactions with their current medications, as well as interactions among their prescription medications. The result is MyRxProfile, a convenient patient-friendly app that can help consumers be forewarned about potential drug interactions and side effects. Available from Apple and Android app stores, the app draws on a database of over 30,000 common prescription and over-the-counter medications. Click HERE for part 2.



ENCORE: Drug Interactions and Side Effects, Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with pharmacist Robert Baker, developer of MyRxProfile, a convenient patient-friendly app that can help consumers be forewarned about potential drug interactions and side effects. Click HERE for part 1.



ENCORE: Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for October 12, Part 1
October 14, 2019
A small glass of juice or soda daily boosts cancer risks—REALLY? BigPharma stocks lead stock market to record high—yet studies show that more than half of pricey new drugs provide scant benefits; Advice for a listener with a newly-discovered high coronary calcium score; Eating more cholesterol might help repair brain lesions in MS. Click HERE for part 2. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.


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