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Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for June 20, Part 1 June 22, 2015 AMA wants to launch Inquisition against medical heretics; Misguided advice to "stay out of the sun" doubles death risk for women"; Parents "misunderestimate" kids' risk for obesity; We need a "no child left on his/her behind" initiative; Downsides of extreme exercising (>4 hrs); Eat chocolate, help your heart! Omega 3 fatty acids for contact lens discomfort, computer vision syndrome. Jurassic World: A parable about out-of-control genetic technology--aka GMOs? Click HERE for part 2. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.
How to keep your kids safe from hidden holiday perils, Part 1 April 2, 2015 A special Easter and Passover edition of Intelligent Medicine: How to keep your kids safe from hidden holiday perils that lurk in the Easter basket or on the Seder table! Dr. Lisa Sulsenti, nutritionist and chiropractor, dishes on food colorings, chemical carcinogens, GMOs, sugar and other toxic ingredients that are concealed in holiday treats like colorful “peeps” and chocolate Easter bunnies. How to read labels, how to source healthy alternatives, and how to achieve buy-in from your kids for nutritious natural treats (and no, they don’t have to subsist on celery sticks and broccoli florets!). Click HERE for part 2.
How to keep your kids safe from hidden holiday perils, Part 2
Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Dr. Lisa Sulsenti, nutritionist and chiropractor, who dishes on food colorings, chemical carcinogens, GMOs, sugar and other toxic ingredients that are concealed in holiday treats. Click HERE for part 1.
Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for March 21, Part 1 March 23, 2015 Mediterranean diet trumps medical therapy for heart disease--but doctors woefully ignorant about nutrition facts; Cardiac Syndrome X--the silent killer of women; Birth control pill triples risk for Crohn's Disease; New study makes case for delaying surgery, radiation in early prostate cancer; Too many x-rays, MRIs for back pain lead to poor treatment decisions; Breast is best: the longer babies breastfeed, the more successful they are in life! Is testosterone safe to use, and can chrysin boost testosterone? Click HERE for part 2. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.
Vaccine Safety, Part 1 March 3, 2015 In the wake of the recent measles outbreak, Dr. Jared Skowron, Vice President of the Pediatric Association of Naturopathic Physicians and author of 100 Natural Remedies for Your Child, weighs in on the current vaccine controversy: Are "anti-vaxxers” putting the health of vulnerable Americans at risk? Should routine vaccines be mandatory for all healthy children? What are potential hazards of vaccines? Does over-reliance on vaccines undermine immunity? Does nutrition provide at least a partial bulwark against serious complications of infectious diseases? Should vaccine administration be staggered or delayed in certain vulnerable kids? Do harmful ingredients lurk in some vaccines? Are there warning signs that a child might have an adverse reaction to immunization? Is there a middle ground between vaccine refusal and selective use of vaccines? Why was this year’s flu vaccine such an epic-fail? Click HERE for part 2.
Vaccine Safety, Part 2
Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Dr. Jared Skowron, Vice President of the Pediatric Association of Naturopathic Physicians and author of 100 Natural Remedies for Your Child. Click HERE for part 1.
Q&A with Leyla, Part 2 February 26, 2015 How to administer xylitol to children for dental decay prevention. The many benefits of black cumin seed oil. Trouble swallowing vitamins. What supplements to take for COPD. Click HERE for part 1.
Q&A with Leyla, Part 1 November 26, 2014 Latest celebrity gossip: Bill Clinton and Anne Hathaway ditch veganism, go Paleo/Lo-Carb! Why are liposomal vitamins all the rage? The flu shot: To get it, or not to get it? Click HERE for part 2.
Intelligent Medicine Podcast: Q&A with Leyla Part 1 April 18, 2014 Are there dangers to using strontium? Can it falsely elevate DEXA bone density scans? What sunscreen to use for infants and toddlers? Vitamin D2 vs D3?
Intelligent Medicine Podcast: Natural treatments for autism and ADD Part 2 April 10, 2014 Dr. H continues his conversation with Integrative pediatric neurologist Dr. Maya Shetreat-Klein