Pediatric Health


Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for June 10, Part 2
June 12, 2017
High-fructose corn syrup has been quietly, deceitfully renamed; Probiotics reduce body fat in overweight children; What happens when the gel in your eyeball dries up and pulls on the retina? Treatment for vestibular migraines; Exercise improves the microbiome; Ketogenic diet for Parkinson's Disease; Natural solutions for garlic breath; Mom's intake of DHA during pregnancy improves attention in 5 yr olds; Dark chocolate and fish oil improve skeletal muscle function; Pessimism is a distinct risk factor for coronary heart disease; Fish oil can be safely used with Coumadin without bleeding risks. Click HERE for part 1. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.



Intelligent Medicine Potpourri: I didn’t want these stories to end up on the cutting-room floor! Part 2
May 23, 2017
Ease up on the thermostat, spare the a/c to access cardiometabolic benefits of Paleo lifestyle; Should you avoid the hospital during the July changing-of-the-guard? Just a modest increase in kids’ physical activity could save billions in medical costs. Click HERE for part 1.



Q&A With Leyla, Part 2
February 1, 2017
What supplements can my 47-year-old daughter take with multiple autoimmune conditions? What supplements should I take after surgery to repair a ruptured bicep tendon? My husband has hemochromatosis, what should his ferritin level be? Help! My 9-year old granddaughter is significantly overweight while the rest of her family is not. What could be the cause? Click HERE for part 1.



ENCORE: The Dirt Cure, Part 1
January 16, 2017
"The Dirt Cure: Growing Healthy Kids with Food Straight from Soil." Dr. Maya Shetreat-Klein is an integrative pediatric neurologist. She takes a holistic approach to challenging childhood developmental and behavioral disorders rather than relying solely on pharmaceutical remedies. Her office even features a demonstration organic garden where she grows produce and raises chickens. The Dirt Cure explores the Hygiene Hypothesis—the notion that exposure to microbes is essential to optimal immune system programming. Are occasional mild, self-limited illnesses normal for kids? Should we ditch the disinfectant soaps and cleansers? What role do healthy bacteria and even viruses play in guarding us from disease? What are the downsides of ibuprofen, acetaminophen, and antibiotics? What natural products can be substituted for minor childhood illnesses? How can you allergy-proof your child? Why might unpasteurized milk be better for kids? Why is soy problematic for some children? Why should kids play outside more? Click HERE for part 2.



ENCORE: The Dirt Cure, Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Dr. Maya Shetreat-Klein, an integrative pediatric neurologist who takes a holistic approach to challenging childhood developmental and behavioral disorders. Click HERE for part 1.



Q&A with Leyla, Part 1
November 9, 2016
Why is there an increase in mucus in those with leaky gut? Help! I eat well and exercise but I have a craving for a big bowl of ice cream every night. What probiotics would you recommend for my two grandsons, a 2-month old and 2-year old? Click HERE for part 2.



Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for October 22, Part 2
October 24, 2016
Mood changes after chemo; Could oxytocin offer hope for autism, pain, anxiety, wound healing, flagging libido? A caller with sleep apnea, interstitial cystitis, prostatitis and digestive problems; How much screen time for young kids? Is rugby safer than football? Exercise can fend off cognitive decline; Why new Medicare rules may prompt a mass exodus of doctors. Click HERE for part 1. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.



Medical and Nutritional Update for October, Part 2
October 17, 2016
Supplementing moms with DHA reduces kids’ likelihood of ADHD; Is red meat really bad for you? Are substance abusers more likely to crave sugar? Can taking vitamin D help you shed pounds? Click HERE for part 1.



Dr. Hoffman’s Summer Potpourri of Health Stories, Part 1
August 30, 2016
A review of the new book “ADHD Nation: Children, Doctors, Big Pharma, and Making of an American Epidemic,” an expose of the unwarranted use and relentless promotion of ADHD drugs for kids; Flaxseed for prostate cancer; Probiotics given to pregnant women reduce their babies' likelihood of developing eczema; Researchers find a metabolic fingerprint for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome—in the gut; When you get lung cancer, living with air pollution can decrease survival; Volunteering yields tangible health benefits in older adults; Electrical stimulation of vagus nerve reduces inflammation of rheumatoid arthritis; Administering DHA after stroke can reduce reperfusion damage; Are NSAIDs for tendonitis and sports injuries counter-productive? Click HERE for part 2.



Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for June 11, Part 2
June 13, 2016
Nutrient cocktail delays aging, staves off age-related memory loss; Study questions use of anti-depressants in children, teens; "Spin rage” prompts lawsuit; Listener questions about the “Yeast Connection,” natural alternatives to shoulder surgery, a mysterious fever and liver problems after antibiotics, what is AMPK? Click HERE for part 1. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.


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