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Medical/Nutritional Update, Part 2 September 19, 2017 Does too much protein cause osteoporosis? Does meat cause pre-cancerous colon polyps? Does dairy cause premature death?Click HERE for part 1.
Q&A With Leyla, Part 2 September 13, 2017 Would herbs like dandelion and burdock interfere with the warfarin I'm taking? Are ashwagandha, gaba and 5HTP good for reducing stress and getting quality sleep? Which is the best diet to help reverse osteoporosis, high alkaline, Whole 30, or Salad & Salmon? Legumes are unlimited on the Salad & Salmon diet---won't that cause weight gain? Click HERE for part 1.
Q&A With Leyla, Part 1 August 9, 2017 FYI, we're not on vacation. I've been hearing some negative reviews of Metformin lately, what do you think? How can I get my doctor to give me a B12 shot, he won't even give my 80-year-old neighbor a shot! I strength train three times a week for bone health, how does that compare to OsteoStrong exercise treatment for osteoporosis? Click HERE for part 2.
Q&A with Leyla, Part 2 July 19, 2017 I have Bell's Palsy and am recovering from a broken shoulder, is there anything I can do for it and will it recur? What are your thoughts on genetic testing, is it useful for monitoring health or just an imprecise fad? I have mild osteoporosis and take Ostera, would I also benefit from adding Ostinol to my regimen? Is there any benefit to taking collagen as a weight loss supplement? Click HERE for part 1.
Q&A with Leyla, Part 2 July 12, 2017 I've been on statins for 23 years and would like to stop taking Crestor, but what can I do about my increasing calcium score? How nutritious is nutritional yeast, any downside to its consumption? Dr. H, how much vitamin D are you currently taking? I'm considering taking strontium for mild osteoporosis but I'm concerned about risks for heart problems, what are your thoughts? Click HERE for part 1.
Q&A with Leyla, Part 1 June 14, 2017 Epic fails in medicine: Statins for primary prevention in older adults and long-term bisphosphonate use in osteoporosis. My doctor told me to stop taking quercetin and green tea because I have the COMT mutation, is this correct? I've heard Dr. Hoffman say you should stay away from pasta if you have allergies, what about fresh pasta? Click HERE for part 2.
Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for April 29, Part 1 May 1, 2017 Magnesium to prevent bone fractures; Do you need to take vitamin K even if blood tests don't reveal a deficiency? Epic fail: Low sodium diet shown to increase blood pressure; A caller with allergy symptoms whenever he goes to a public library; Air pollution can lower "good" HDL cholesterol; Dark chocolate ingredient enhances mitochondrial function in debilitated diabetics with heart failure; Aerobic exercise coupled with resistance training can boost brain power in over 50s; Antibiotics up risk for colon polyps. Click HERE for part 2. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.
Q&A with Leyla, Part 1 April 26, 2017 An underrated mineral in bone health: Magnesium. Is it safe to take curcumin while taking prednisolone for a disk problem? What is the optimal dose of vitamin K for the treatment of osteoporosis? Does sauna really help to remove toxins or is it just a lot of hype? Research says to limit eggs due to TMAO, but aren’t eggs healthy? Click HERE for part 2.
Leyla Weighs In April 21, 2017 Hoffman Center Nutritionist Leyla Muedin answers some listener questions: "I'm progressing from osteopenia to osteoporosis despite taking Ostera--any suggestions?...What type of diet and supplements do you recommend for pregnant women diagnosed with gestational diabetes?"
Q&A with Leyla, Part 1 April 19, 2017 Exercise in the morning before or after breakfast? How do you know if you’re overmethylating or undermethylating? I’m a 70-year-old woman with osteoporosis, do I need to take Strontium or is Ostera enough? Is there any way to restore my sense of taste and smell? Click HERE for part 2.