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Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for January 2, Part 1 January 4, 2016 Nutrients that help prevent hearing loss; A testimonial from a Crohn's Disease patient who healed herself with diet; "Auto-brewery Syndrome" explains drunk symptoms in non-drinkers; Over-heated dwellings may account for soaring obesity rates; cold-induced weight-loss may be triggered by microbiome temperature adaptation; New-think about anxiety--it may not be so bad after all. Click HERE for part 2. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.
Q&A with Leyla, Part 1 December 23, 2015 “Psychobioitics” and “ecobiotics” tap power of the microbiome to target mood and disease. Don’t give your dog xylitol! Is it OK to take vitamin K with the blood thinner, Xarelto? What is causing my aluminum level to increase? Click HERE for part 2.
The Holidays: A Prolonged Assault on Our Microbiome, Part 1 November 24, 2015 The holidays are beginning, and so starts a prolonged assault on our microbiome. The bacteria that inhabit our gastrointestinal tracts are responsible not just for proper digestion, but also for mood, metabolism, weight, and immunity. Martie Whittekin, Board-Certified Clinical Nutritionist, author, and host of her own nationally-syndicated talk radio show, Healthy by Nature (www.HBNShow.com) describes the many functions served by our internal microbial community; how stress, junk food, sugar, alcohol, acid-blockers, chemically treated tap water, unnatural birth practices, vacations to exotic venues and toxic food additives can threaten our microbiome. What role do probiotics play? How to select the proper probiotic? What are PRE-biotics? What are bacteriocins? How, when, and in what quantity should you take probiotics? What role does aloe vera play in restoring GI health? Click HERE for part 2.
The Holidays: A Prolonged Assault on Our Microbiome, Part 2
Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Martie Whittekin, Board-Certified Clinical Nutritionist. Click HERE for part 1.
Q&A with Leyla, Part 1 November 10, 2015 The microbiome exhibit at Museum of Natural History in NYC. The lowdown on strontium safety: the difference between supplemental strontium and prescription strontium ranelate. What’s causing my stomach pains after eating? Click HERE for part 2.
Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for November 7, Part 2 November 9, 2015 Extremism in the defense of health is no vice! “Everything in moderation” diet advice may lead to fatter waistlines; Intravenous vitamin C shows cancer benefits in hard-to-treat chemo-resistant tumors; American Museum of Natural History debuts Microbiome exhibit. Click HERE for part 1. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.
Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for September 19, Part 1 September 21, 2015 Marijuana users 65 % more likely to have poor blood sugar control; The probiotic skin care program: what happens when you go without showering for a month and spray bacteria on your skin? High % of women use deodorants unnecessarily; Blueberry extract can’t fight gum disease; Re-analysis of data used to support use of anti-depressants for teens shows they don’t work—drug company duplicity faulted. Click HERE for part 2. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.
Q&A with Leyla, Part 2 August 19, 2015 Do beets increase arginine? Can I take fish oil or aspirin while I’m on Plavix? Is it safe to cook in aluminum foil? Is maltodextrin a source of gluten? Do Asians have a different microbiome that keeps them thin? Click HERE for part 1.
Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for August 8, Part 1 August 10, 2015 The REAL reason people are obese; Olive oil polyphenols--NOT monounsaturated fats--are responsible for the benefits of the Mediterranean Diet; How presidential candidate Jeb Bush lost 40 pounds on the Paleo Diet; Refined carbohydrates may up women's depression risk; Matt Jones of Cedarcide discusses natural alternatives to harmful garden pesticides and bug sprays. Click HERE for part 2. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.
It may not be your fault you’re fat, Part 1 July 15, 2015 It may not be your fault you're fat--blame your microbiome! New research suggests that the micro-organisms that comprise your intestinal ecosystem have a major impact on how you how absorb calories from your food; they also influence your appetite and metabolism via hormones like insulin, leptin, and adiponectin. They even may hijack your brain to seek junk food. Dr. Raphael Kellman, author of "The Microbiome Diet: The Scientifically Proven Way to Restore Your Gut Health and Achieve Permanent Weight Loss," shares cutting-edge research on how gut bacteria impact obesity. He describes dietary measures and lists nutraceuticals that restore gut balance and facilitate weight loss. Using his "Four R" approach, overweight individuals can re-populate their microbiome and achieve permanent weight loss and craving control. Have scientists discovered the "Holy Grail" probiotic that facilitates weight loss? What foods support healthy gut bacteria? Are there herbal supplements that suppress harmful intestinal bugs? Click HERE for part 2.