Mental & Emotional Health


Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for January 13, Part 2
January 15, 2018
New discovery sheds light on winter weight gain; Throat tickle—is it post-nasal drip or LPR? Researchers find multivitamins prevent second heart attacks; Chronic lymphocytic leukemia survivor who cured himself with natural methods gets cold shoulder from CLL support group; Can the estrogen patch reverse osteoporosis? Creatine for depression; Boyfriends’ sweaty T-shirts induce calming effects in women; Humans wired to spot signs of sickness in others; CoQ10 for tinnitus; Ingredient in beer produces happiness. Click HERE for part 1. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.



ENCORE: Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for December 23, Part 2
December 25, 2017
Eating hot peppers associated with 13 percent reduction in death; Up to 3 eggs per day not only not harmful for heart health, may help reduce heart risk; Type I (insulin-dependent) diabetes may start in the gut; Which is worse, glucose or fructose? What to do for a 4 year old with chronic ear infections? Can prolonged workplace stress trigger cancer? Obamacare: Why "repeal and replace” alone won’t get to the heart of what’s wrong with our healthcare system; Depression is as dangerous as being fat, causing almost one in five heart deaths. Click HERE for part 1. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.



Leyla Weighs In
December 22, 2017
Leyla tackles this listener question: "I typically follow a Paleo/Whole 30 diet, and I recently became pregnant. Is this type of diet safe for my pregnancy?" Plus, vegetarianism linked to depression.



ENCORE: Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for November 25, Part 1
November 27, 2017
Was the Las Vegas shooter prompted to violent aggression by psych meds? Was he suffering from a brain disorder that robbed him of empathy? Frequent saunas help blood pressure; FDA bans “Love” as a food ingredient; Vegetarian moms risk children prone to substance abuse; Is bone broth bad for herpes-prone individuals? Do I really need that MRI? Do beets mess with blood thinners? What to do for frequent UTIs. Click HERE for part 2. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.



Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for November 18, Part 2
November 20, 2017
Only 1 in 10 Americans eat enough fruits and vegetables; Are new blood thinners like Pradaxa and Xarelto safer and more effective than Coumadin for atrial fibrillation? The number one exercise for slowing the aging process; Sugary beverage consumption wanes, but not enough among high-risk populations to stem worldwide toll of 184,000 annual deaths; Getting a dog may save your life; Why psychologists should team with personal trainers to vanquish mood disorders; Mushrooms deliver potent anti-aging benefits; Researchers discover why the flu vaccine so often fails. Click HERE for part 1. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.



Leyla Weighs In
November 10, 2017
New link found between inflammation and mental illness; The effects of folic acid and pyridoxine supplementation in migraine patients with aura.



Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for October 28, Part 2
October 30, 2017
Antibiotics cause cellular damage, but antioxidants help; How much alcohol is safe during pregnancy? Individuals with even mild depression experience more health declines after disasters; Flesh-eating bacteria claims victims in wake of Houston floods; B vitamins help preserve cognitive health; Zona Plus for hypertension; Can you be allergic to vitamin C? Click HERE for part 1. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.



Q&A with Leyla, Part 1
October 25, 2017
The prevalence of orthorexia nervosa and eating disorders in Registered Dietitian Nutritionists in the US. What is your opinion of a "zinc challenge" aka "zinc tally test" to determine a person's need for zinc supplementation? My blood test shows a creatinine level of 1.52, are there any supplements you can recommend to lower it? Click HERE for part 2.



Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for October 21, Part 1
October 23, 2017
Hypoglycemia’s modern update: Obese and Type 2 diabetics suffer lower brain glucose levels; When an 85-yr-old can’t control their blood sugar with a low-carb diet and weight loss; Pricey, highly touted new cancer drugs deliver marginal benefits; How stress may be as bad for you as poor diet (Hint: It’s about the microbiome!); “Ridiculously healthy” elderly have the same gut microbiome as healthy 30 yr olds; Women who get frequent UTIs should drink more water, but too much could land them in the hospital! Is safflower oil healthy? Iodine supplementation—what’s the best formulation? Click HERE for part 2. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.



Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for October 14, Part 1
October 16, 2017
Another nail in Big Sugar’s coffin—it causes cancer! Is PEMF (pulsed electromagnetic field) therapy legit? Harnessing magnetic fields to cure anxiety; Post-infectious irritable bowel syndrome; You don’t have to run a marathon to help your bones; In the wake of Harvey Weinstein, does sexual harassment make victims sick? Is “sex addiction” a real medical condition? When you have a high HDL, do you really need a statin drug? Click HERE for part 2. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.


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