Intelligent Medicine Radio Show


Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for May 17, Part 1
May 19, 2014
Fitness is linked to lower death risk in older men, and lack of exercise is the #1 risk factor for cardiovascular disease in women over 30, but new studies cast doubt on heart-protective benefits of very intense exercise—how to reconcile the paradox? Frequent arguments linked to doubling in death risk; woman gets measles, is cured of multiple myeloma. Click here for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.



Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for May 10, Part 2
May 12, 2014
Why avoiding sunshine could kill you; barefoot running, minimalist footwear fade in popularity, plus listener questions on hypertension, multiple myeloma, and growth hormone for a child with short stature. Click here for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.



Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for May 10, Part 1

FDA reverses position on aspirin for preventing first heart attacks and strokes; Woody Allen’s Sleeper: life imitates art; “A Big FAT Surprise”; new “Fed-Up” film highlights complicity of food industry in undermining American’s health; “Vampire Therapy” offers prospect of rejuvenation; the skin-healing properties of extra-virgin coconut oil (EVCO). Click here for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.



Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for April 26 Part 2
April 28, 2014
Natural Rx of flu with red ginseng; diet, supplements, and natural skin care products for acne. Click here for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.



Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for April 26 Part 1

Statin use eliminates "moral hazard"--users eat bad, stop exercising and gain weight; new research shows Aged Garlic Extract reverses heart disease; free med samples lead doctors to prescribe costlier drugs; low-carb diet trumps American Diabetes Assn Diet in latest face-off; exercise forestalls brain shrinkage. Click here for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.



Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for April 19 Part 2
April 21, 2014
“Hangry” at your spouse? Low blood sugar may be the cause! Miley Cyrus faces long recuperation from severe allergic reaction to an antibiotic taken for a minor sinus problem—worth it? The best natural skin rejuvenator—exercise; Introducing SophytoPRO, a totally natural skin rejuvenation system; plus listener calls about natural support for prostate cancer, spring allergies and more. Click here for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.



Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for April 19 Part 1

“Allergic” to sex? Here’s why; Red meat makes elderly females stronger; Anti-depressants during pregnancy—a really bad idea; America’s newest affliction—“SCT”; Green tea boosts brain power; American’s reject “Low-fat” food options. Click here for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.



Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for April 12 Part 2
April 14, 2014
NSAIDs tied to heart rhythm disorder, plus audience questions: natural Rx for shingles? Meaning of elevated alkaline phosphatase? Blood test to detect malnutrition? What’s stressing my liver? Am I taking the right type of niacin? Click here for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.



Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for April 12 Part 1

The Great Flu Drug Train Robbery--Tamiflu and Relenza; are you too tired to eat well precisely because you don’t eat well? Popular medical guru Dr. David Agus hates vitamins but loves statins; strippers offer psychoneuroimmunology boost to seniors; when to hold and when to fold with antibiotics; a natural cure for sleeplessness in children. Click here for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.



Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for April 5 Part 2
April 7, 2014
FDA colludes with BigPharma to ban a supplement useful in autism, depression, L-citrulline for blood pressure, Alzheimer’s; your most important blood test; Ft. Hood shooter yet another instance of consequences of psych meds? Cruciferous vegetables cut risk of inflammation; Are you using the wrong type of vitamin D? Click here for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.


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