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ENCORE: Treating Long Covid, Part 1 January 4, 2022 If you’re young and healthy and free of comorbidities, you may not be worried about being hospitalized or dying of Covid. But a new problem is emerging: Even sufferers of mild to moderate Covid continue suffering from a baffling array of debilitating symptoms for months on end. It’s been dubbed “long Covid” or “long haulers’ syndrome”. It’s estimated that 10 percent or more survivors of Covid will come down with it, and it may even hasten progression to dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease. Dr. Leo Galland has done intensive research on this subject, and we’re breaking precedent by going beyond our usual two-part format to do a four-part in-depth review of his findings, consisting of a practical action plan for sufferers of long Covid. The good news is that with the proper measures, there’s now hope for sufferers of long Covid. Dr. Galland offers detailed protocols for restoring mitochondrial function, rebalancing the microbiome, overcoming sleep problems and fatigue, and alleviating brain fog here: Healing Long Covid - Leo Galland, M.D. For more of Dr. Hoffman's interview with Dr. Galland, click here: Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
ENCORE: Treating Long Covid, Part 2
Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Dr. Leo Galland on natural, effective treatments for long Covid. For more of Dr. Hoffman's interview with Dr. Galland, click here: Part 1 Part 3 Part 4
ENCORE: Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for January 1, Part 1 January 3, 2022 Amid vaccine resistance, breakthrough infections, researchers explore mushrooms, Chinese herbal medicine; Breast pain after the Covid vax; Vitamin D for autoimmunity; When testing for Covid, time of day affects accuracy; A new heart test that can detect dangerous soft plaque; Did paying people to take Covid shots move the needle on vax rates? Ovary removal surgery before menopause hikes risk for dementia; When is it necessary to take blood pressure meds, when not? Natural ways to reverse high histamine levels. Click HERE for part 2. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.
ENCORE: Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for December 25, Part 1 December 27, 2021 Mark Zuckerberg announces push to build “Metaverse”—what the health consequences might be; Game changer study shows vaxxed nearly as likely as unvaxxed to transmit virus to household members; Cheap antidepressant repurposed as anti-Covid drug; Surgeon walks away from emergency operation, has lunch, falls asleep in car, goes home; How to get adequate potassium on a keto diet; How to ward off serious illness if exposed to Covid. Click HERE for part 2. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.
ENCORE: Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for December 25, Part 2
Breastfeeding, known to help offspring’s brain development, may also help moms stave off cognitive decline; Magnetic stimulation of brain improves memory, reverses severe depression; When infection may be a “hard stop” for elective surgery; Why do doctors keep telling people to avoid cheese while ignoring sugar’s harms? Massage doesn’t just make you feel better—it heals muscles; Beyond Meat stock plummets after company falls short of earnings projections; Inexpensive zinc mouthwash prevents mouth sores in chemo patients. Click HERE for part 1. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.
Q&A with Leyla, Part 1: Tinnitus December 22, 2021 Will Omicron be the last strain?; I got tinnitus after taking Wellbutrin. Is it in my inner ear or my brain?; I have headache, nausea, and fatigue every month now after following my cancer prevention protocol for the last 10 years. Click HERE for part 2.
Q&A with Leyla, Part 2: Shaky Hands
Study: Researchers discover how cells from tumors remain dormant for years before metastasis occurs; My parents insist I get the booster shot before visiting them in 2022. What are the potential risks for me?; My friend has shaky hands since his 20s, is now 75 and still, his hands shake. What do you recommend? Click HERE for part 1.
Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for December 18, Part 1 December 20, 2021 Biden issues grim prediction: “It’ll be a winter of severe illness and death”; Cases soar in New York—but hospitalizations and deaths ebb; Federal vaccine mandate reinstated by 6th Circuit Court; More evidence vaccination doesn’t “stop the spread”; Scientists studying Omicron predict it will elude current vaccines, therapies; New variant attacks upper airways, but less likely to infect lungs; After bad reactions to Moderna vax, a caller is reluctant to take booster; Pfizer pulls vax trials for kids 2-5; Authorities recommend against J&J shot; What’s the significance of protein in urine? High intake of herbs and spices curbs hypertension. Click HERE for part 2. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.
Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for December 18, Part 2
Omicron now the dominant virus in Florida wastewater—but only Delta has sickened locals; Natural therapies for COPD; Synthetic food dyes may set stage for colon cancer; Air pollution contributes to liver disease toll; A caller wonders if she has a hormone imbalance; New prescription eye drops cure reading woes; Exercise powerfully effective against anxiety; Boosters necessary for a healthy 40-year-old who’s already been double-vaxxed and had Covid? Click HERE for part 1. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.
Q&A with Leyla, Part 2: Low Dose Lithium December 15, 2021 Study: SARS-CoV-2 spike impairs DNA damage repair and inhibits recombination in vitro; Can low dose lithium be beneficial for mood enhancement for those taking thyroid replacement? Or is it contraindicated?; I recently had a bout of diverticulitis. What can I do to avoid another flare-up?; Is calcium citrate helpful for acid reflux?; What are your thoughts on silicon dioxide added to supplements?; Could you talk about restless legs syndrome? Click HERE for part 1.