Heart & Lung Health


Q&A with Leyla, Part 2
September 4, 2014
How effective is cetyl myristoleate for joint inflammation? Alternative treatments for Sjorgren’s syndrome? Natural cures for hypertension. What’s causing “A-Fib” (atrial fibrillation)?



Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for August 23, Part 2
August 25, 2014
Did manufacturers of a new blood thinner for atrial fibrillation withhold data about bleeding complications? Heart scans for coronary calcium yield valuable information about likelihood of heart disease. Should probiotics be taken with food or on an empty stomach? Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.



Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for August 9, Part 1
August 11, 2014
Latest on Ebola--Zombie Apocalypse averted; Are you at risk for D-mentia? Fish oil prevents shrinkage of critical brain areas; Common dry cleaning chemical in mothers affects IQ of offspring; Surprising answer to the riddle of why some Type 2 diabetics live longer than non-diabetics; "DUH!" story of the week--fruits and veggies linked to lower risk of heart disease and death; Does chiropractic manipulation cause strokes? Birth control pills and breast cancer. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.



Q&A with Leyla, Part 2
July 10, 2014
How to lower SHBG; protein in urine; A-fib and beta blockers; EPA/DHA in eggs destroyed by cooking? The meningitis vaccine—is it a good idea for kids to get it?



Intelligent Medicine Podcast: Q&A with Leyla, Part 1
June 5, 2014
New study suggests gamma-tocopherol promotes lung inflammation (REALLY??). Topical colloidal silver for sinus infection? Olive leaf too? Do cortisone injections raise cortisol? Can’t remember words--How much coconut oil?



Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for May 17, Part 1
May 19, 2014
Fitness is linked to lower death risk in older men, and lack of exercise is the #1 risk factor for cardiovascular disease in women over 30, but new studies cast doubt on heart-protective benefits of very intense exercise—how to reconcile the paradox? Frequent arguments linked to doubling in death risk; woman gets measles, is cured of multiple myeloma. Click here for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.



Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for April 5 Part 1
April 7, 2014
Is “Vitamin D Denialism” costing untold lives? More doubts about mammograms’ value raised by large new study; fruits and vegetables are really good for you (DUH!); being single, gluten, excess running and diet soda are unexpected new heart risks; clues to how dark chocolate delivers its heart, diabetes and weight-loss benefits. Click here for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.



Intelligent Medicine Podcast: Q&A with Leyla Part 1
April 2, 2014
Q&A with Hoffman Center nutritionist, Leyla Muedin: Supplements for healing a calf injury; fluoroquinolone syndrome; EBT scanning reveals plaque in coronary arteries--what to do? Famed natural health advocate Byron Richards dies at 59 while running--how could this happen?



Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for March 15 Part 1
March 17, 2014
License to Kill: Do the American Heart Association’s obsolete nutrition recommendations put Americans at risk of premature death? A new study suggests that replacing saturated fats with polyunsaturated vegetable oils increases mortality and heart disease. Other studies now show that low-carb diets are best for promoting weight loss and reducing cardiovascular risk factors; diets high in animal protein help fend off disability in older Americans. Click here for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.



Intelligent Medicine Podcast: Healing Heart Disease
March 6, 2014
Holistic cardiologist Dr. Roy Heilbron discusses his new book, "“Healing Heart Disease with Chelation Therapy:” TACT, the Trial to Assess Chelation Therapy, showed that chelation therapy was safe and offered dramatic protection against heart disease. But disappointingly, it’s still considered an “alternative” therapy and is shunned by the cardiology establishment. Double standard in medicine?


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