Heart & Lung Health


Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for June 6, Part 1
June 8, 2020
Lessons of the pandemic—cultivating resilience in the face of challenging circumstances; More evidence that the coronavirus is weakening; Laypersons score poorly on proper use of N95 masks; The remarkable concordance between blood sugar control and susceptibility to coronavirus; How primary care doctors miss the boat on diabetes prevention; Lockdown has fostered digital dependency—with adverse effects on mood and metabolism; Two large studies purporting to prove worthlessness of hydroxychloroquine withdrawn for research malfeasance; Besides aiding sleep, what are health benefits of melatonin? Solutions for a highly allergic patient; Lack of exposure to green landscapes associated with unhealthy cravings. Click HERE for part 2. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.



Q&A with Leyla, Part 1: Face Shields, How Protective Are They?
June 3, 2020
Why do you recommend a supplement containing spirulina? Doesn't it contain heavy metals and the neurotoxin BMAA?; What are your thoughts on face shields? How protective are they?; I have a 3-year-old and a 10-year-old. How do I dose them on Oregacillin?; I take a medication that's on the anticholinergic cognitive burden scale. Are there any supplements to help mitigate the risks? Click HERE for part 2.



Q&A with Leyla, Part 2: Fruit & Veggie Pills

Are the fruit and veggie pills all they claim to be?; There's a California Proposition 65 warning on my raw cacao due to naturally occurring cadmium. Should I stop taking it?; What are your thoughts on ammonium chloride for blocking SARS-COVID? Click HERE for part 1.



How Omega-3s Support Your Body’s Immune Response, Part 1
June 2, 2020
Omega-3 fatty acids play a large role in the immune system. They strengthen the cell walls, help macrophages engulf pathogens, and aid in eliciting a strong immune response, in the presence of a virus, pathogen or bacterial invasion. Dr. Arland Hill is Clinical Director of Genesis Wellness and a member of the Biotics Research Corporation team. He has been practicing since 2003 with a clinical focus on the use of science-based natural therapies for the management of chronic diseases. He details the connection between omega-3 fatty acids and the immune system. Click HERE for part 2.



How Omega-3s Support Your Body’s Immune Response, Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Dr. Arland Hill, the Clinical Director of Genesis Wellness and a member of the Biotics Research Corporation team. Click HERE for part 1.



Health Freedom, Part 1
May 28, 2020
A thought-provoking discussion with Sayer Ji, the outspoken founder of GreenMedInfo.com. Sayer launched his new book, "Regenerate: Unlocking Your Body’s Radical Resilience Through the New Biology," during the coronavirus pandemic. He takes a skeptical view of the lockdown, asserting that resilience achieved via sound lifestyle practices is a more fundamental bulwark against disease than restrictive measures. His controversial views have led to censorship of his outreach via search engines and social media channels. Sayer discusses how conflicts of interest by media giants lead them to favor pharmaceutical fixes and to “shadow ban” or outright de-platform dissenting opinions. He believes the current lockdown is a fundamental assault on our personal freedoms; to that end, he has created www.standforhealthfreedom.com. Sayer argues that the argument over quarantine vs. jailbreak is not a matter of political allegiance; Americans of all stripes should be concerned over unprecedented government interference in matters affecting our lives, livelihoods, and health choices. Click HERE for part 2.



Health Freedom, Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Sayer Ji, author of "Regenerate: Unlocking Your Body’s Radical Resilience Through the New Biology." Click HERE for part 1.



Q&A with Leyla, Part 1: Cytokine Storm
May 27, 2020
Unintended consequences of the pandemic lockdowns; We hear that wearing masks is not for ourselves, but others. Is it true that masks don't protect us from the virus?; Should I take my elderberry supplement daily, like I do vitamin C?; Would taking a lot of zinc exacerbate or dampen a cytokine storm?; Do you always develop antibodies when exposed to a virus?; If my children and grandchildren are quarantining, and I'm quarantining, can we get together for a meal? Click HERE for part 2.



Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for May 23, Part 2
May 25, 2020
Low-carb and low-glycemic diets outperform low-fat diets for cardiovascular prevention; Carb quality more important than carb quantity for diabetes control; Additional benefit of low-GI diets—improved sleep quality; Two apples per day keep the cardiologist away; Low-fat diets recommended by the American Heart Association shown to lower testosterone; Exercise improves brain function; Vitamin D and probiotics curb gestational diabetes; How much vitamin D and green tea for breast cancer prevention? Click HERE for part 1.



An All-Natural Approach to Upper Respiratory and Oral Care Health, Part 1
May 21, 2020
Xlear Nasal Spray with xylitol is a natural solution and alternative to the over-the-counter medicated nasal sprays that you find in stores today. It is the preferred course of action for most physicians and their patients looking to alleviate congestion from colds, flu, allergies, and sinus problems. And Xlear's Spry line of oral care products with xylitol has thousands of clinical studies showing xylitol’s effectiveness in creating an unfriendly environment for bacteria in the mouth and helping to reduce the risk of tooth decay and other oral health issues naturally. Nate Jones, founder of Xlear, Inc., postulates that having an airway that is clean, hydrated and functioning properly could be a helpful defense against viruses and other foreign matter entering the airway. Click HERE for part 2.


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