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ENCORE: Immunity, Part 1 March 17, 2020 Thomas Guilliams, Ph.D., author of "Supporting Immune Function: A Lifestyle and Nutrition Approach," weighs in on lifestyle factors that influence immunity: sleep, stress, diet, and exercise. He also enumerates herbs, probiotics, vitamins and minerals that target the immune system--from Astragalus to zinc. What to take for a cold? Can too many "immune boosters" be harmful? Can nutrients boost the efficacy of vaccines? Click HERE for part 2.
ENCORE: Immunity, Part 2
Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Thomas Guilliams, Ph.D., author of "Supporting Immune Function: A Lifestyle and Nutrition Approach." Click HERE for part 1.
Leyla Weighs In: Nitric Oxide for Better Cardiovascular Health March 13, 2020 Pharmacist and certified clinical nutritionist Beth Shirley, Executive Director of the Berkeley Life Scientific Advisory Board, details the benefits of nitric oxide supplementation. Nitric oxide is a vital signaling molecule essential in cardiovascular health. It supports blood pressure, immunity, sexual health, physical performance, cognitive function, blood sugar levels and more. Unfortunately, as we age our levels start to diminish naturally. Learn how to find out if you have low nitric oxide levels, and how to restore them.
ENCORE: Your Immune System—A Primer, Part 1 March 5, 2020 Pulitzer Prize-winning NY Times journalist Matt Richtel is author of "An Elegant Defense: The Extraordinary New Science of the Immune System." The book traces the history of our understanding of the immune system and reviews cutting edge strategies for addressing our current epidemics of autoimmunity, allergy and cancer. Richtel introduces us to the immune system—it’s a delicate balance of forces designed to protect us from invaders while checking over-exuberant Immune responses. How do white blood cells—neutrophils, B-Cells, T-Cells Natural Killer cells, macrophages, eosinophils and other specialized cells cooperate to orchestrate the immune response? Why is there now a mismatch between the immune systems we evolved with and our modern environment? How is getting sick actually part of being healthy? What roles for diet, sleep, and stress reduction in keeping our immune systems balanced? Richtel previews breakthrough strategies for harnessing the immune system to treat cancer and HIV. Are age-related changes in immunity inevitable consequences of “planned obsolescence” that places limits on human longevity? Click HERE for part 2.
ENCORE: Your Immune System—A Primer, Part 2
Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Pulitzer Prize-winning NY Times journalist Matt Richtel, author of "An Elegant Defense: The Extraordinary New Science of the Immune System." Click HERE for part 1.
The Endocannabinoid System, Part 1 March 3, 2020 Lex Pelger, Director of Education for CV Sciences, has a guide to the Endocannabinoid System (ECS). How does the ECS impact the human body? What are phytocannabinoids? What are endocannabinoids? CBD is one of more than 80 cannabinoids found in the hemp plant that is drawing major attention from researchers around the world, what is CBD and why is this cannabinoid is in the international spotlight. What’s the difference between CBD and THC? What’s the difference between hemp and marijuana? Click HERE for part 2.
The Endocannabinoid System, Part 2
Dr. Hoffman continues his deep-dive on the Endocannabinoid System with Lex Pelger, Director of Education for CV Sciences, makers of PlusCBD Oil. As an Intelligent Medicine listener, enjoy 20% off the entire product line at PlusCBDOil.com. Just use coupon code HOFFMAN at check out. Click HERE for part 1.
ENCORE: The Effects of Diet on Lifespan, Part 1 February 27, 2020 "The Longevity Diet," by Dr. Valter Longo, Director of the Longevity Institute at USC. The focus of his lifetime research has been to examine the effects of diet on lifespan. Drawing from molecular biology, the study of centenarians worldwide, and experimental research on animals and humans, he concludes that our modern diet and constant consumption have thwarted the body’s innate ability to regenerate itself at the cellular and organ levels. Caloric deprivation is part of our evolutionary heritage; our bodies are programmed to “reboot” in response to periods of nutritional insufficiency. But long-term caloric restriction (CR) has proven a mixed bag; it leaves some individuals frail and immuno-suppressed. As a healthier, more practical and more palatable alternative, he proposes a fasting mimicking diet (FMD), which restricts nutrient intake just enough for short intervals to switch on the body’s repair and rejuvenation capabilities. The FMD has demonstrated efficacy for weight loss, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, cancer, MS and Alzheimer’s; it may have broader applications to inflammatory and auto-immune disorders that are associated with aging. How often should the FMD be implemented? How does the Prolon program of FMD foods harness the benefits of periodic fasting without the risks associated with traditional fasts? What’s the ideal anti-aging diet for otherwise healthy adults? How can the FMD complement the benefits of standard cancer treatments? Why should protein-restriction be less rigorously applied to older individuals? Can time-restricted feeding (TRF) capture some of the benefits of fasting? Can TRF be taken too far? Click HERE for part 2.
ENCORE: The Effects of Diet on Lifespan, Part 2
Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Dr. Valter Longo, Director of the Longevity Institute at USC and author of, "The Longevity Diet: Discover the New Science Behind Stem Cell Activation and Regeneration to Slow Aging, Fight Disease, and Optimize Weight." Click HERE for part 1.
Achieving Optimal GI Health, Part 1 February 20, 2020 The gastrointestinal (GI) tract is made of an extraordinarily complex system of organs working together to ensure that the foods we eat are smoothly and properly digested. It is also a powerful barrier against environmental aggressors, and the host of an abundant symbiotic microbiota. Dr. Neil Levin, award-winning board-certified clinical nutritionist and Senior Nutrition Education Manager and a product formulator for NOW Foods, details three compounds that work in different ways to support a healthy GI lining and healthy digestion: zinc-carnosine complex, melatonin, and peppermint oil. Click HERE for part 2.