Expert Interview


Men’s Urological Health, Part 1
June 27, 2023
Dr. Geo Espinosa, one of America’s foremost integrative urologists, dishes on men’s urinary problems, natural support for testosterone, and prostate cancer. Lifestyle factors—diet, exercise, sleep and stress reduction—play an important role in all phases of urological health. Dr. Geo explains how he interacts with conventional urologists on the faculty of NYU Langone Medical Center where he practices. Why are men’s urinary problems not just a matter of prostate size? How can natural strategies alleviate urinary difficulties without the need for surgery or drugs? Besides saw palmetto, what nutraceuticals can benefit men with urinary problems? Are there really natural herbal alternatives to testosterone? For men with prostate cancer who are under active surveillance, is there anything more that can be done to minimize their chance of eventually needing surgery or radiation? What nutraceuticals, vitamins and minerals have anti-prostate cancer potential? Click HERE for part 2.



Men’s Urological Health, Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Dr. Geo Espinosa, one of America’s foremost integrative urologists. Click HERE for part 1.



All About Scars, and How to Prevent Them, Part 1
June 22, 2023
Dr. Gary Linkov, a Facial and Plastic Surgeon specializing in lip procedures and hair restoration. What are scars and why do some people scar more than others? How good operative techniques can reduce scar susceptibility; Why exposing healing scars to air is less optimal than covering them; What’s the proper sequence of topical applications? Why some popular over-the-counter scar gels can irritate healing skin; The rationale for the ingredients in Dr. Linkov’s scar treatment; Brazilian Butt Lifts—what can go wrong? Ozempic face—will it drive more plastic surgery? What’s the future for hair restoration based on the latest research? Do natural hair supplements work? Why plastic surgeons sometimes need to leverage psychology skills in establishing realistic goals for patients; How to find a reputable cosmetic surgeon. (These topics and more are covered in depth on Dr. Linkov’s YouTube channel) Click HERE for part 2.



All About Scars, and How to Prevent Them, Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Dr. Gary Linkov, a Facial and Plastic Surgeon specializing in lip procedures and hair restoration. Click HERE for part 1.



ENCORE: A Comprehensive Look at Cognitive Decline, Part 1
June 20, 2023
Dr. Andrew Budson is a neurologist and memory researcher whose recent book, "Six Steps to Managing Alzheimer's Disease and Dementia: A Guide for Families" is a comprehensive look at cognitive decline. How do you determine whether you or a loved one is progressing toward dementia or merely suffering ordinary age-related memory decline? Are there tests? Why are we seeing such an uptick in Alzheimer's cases--is it merely because people are living longer, or is it something about lifestyle? What are some of the risk factors for Alzheimer's? If a family member has it, is it inevitable you'll get it? What about brain games? Exercise? Diet? Can stress accelerate memory decline? Dr. Budson shares his views on the controversial new Alzheimer's drug, Aduhelm. Do other drugs really help? What about Prevagen? What commonly-used medications can undermine memory? How to avoid caregiver burnout? Click HERE for part 2.



ENCORE: A Comprehensive Look at Cognitive Decline, Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Dr. Andrew Budson, author of "Six Steps to Managing Alzheimer's Disease and Dementia: A Guide for Families." Click HERE for part 1.



ENCORE: A Holistic Approach to Viruses, Part 1
June 15, 2023
When the pandemic hit, David Brownstein MD was faced with a choice: close his practice as many doctors did, or continue to treat patients using techniques he had successfully pioneered over nearly three decades as an integrative family practitioner. He chose the latter, and outlines his approach in his new book, "A Holistic Approach to Viruses." Why has the pandemic hit Americans so hard? Are there dietary and lifestyle approaches that can lessen the impact of Covid? What are some of the innovative approaches Dr. Brownstein uses in his practice to support patients’ recoveries from Covid? Dr. Brownstein discusses the central role iodine plays in ameliorating respiratory infections, along with other key nutrients. He contends that a comprehensive “all-of-the-above” approach can improve disease outcomes. Click HERE for part 2.



ENCORE: A Holistic Approach to Viruses, Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with David Brownstein MD. Click HERE for part 1.



First Lady of Nutrition/Intelligent Medicine Crossover
June 13, 2023
Today we’re doing something a little bit different. A crossover event. You’ll hear Dr. Hoffman's appearance on “The First Lady of Nutrition Podcast” with Ann Louise Gittleman. Continually breaking new ground in integrative and functional medicine, Ann Louise is a top nutritionist who is internationally recognized as a pioneer in dietary, longevity, environmental, and women’s health issues. Gittleman and Dr. Hoffman have a wide-ranging discussion about Dr. Hoffman's background and his transition from anthropology to integrative medicine, and his transition from being a strict vegan to a diet that includes animal products. Plus they cover the latest cutting edge supplements, such as NAD and vitamin B1, and biohacking trends including cold water therapy.



SPECIAL ENCORE: Solutions for Lagging Sexual Performance, Part 1
June 8, 2023
IN MEMORIAM: This episode of Intelligent Medicine is in tribute to the memory and legacy of Dr. Roberta Foss-Morgan.

Dr. Roberta Morgan explains the reasons for lagging sexual performance in her book, "The Sexless Marriage Fix," and offers comprehensive solutions. Is it OK to be in a sexless marriage or relationship? What are the physical and emotional benefits of sex? What are the reasons for diminished desire? What’s “Neglected Partner Syndrome”? How do medications rob libido? How do environmental toxins hijack hormones? Does diet impact sexuality? What are the signs of low testosterone? What causes testosterone to dip? Is testosterone safe? Can women benefit from it? What roles for DHEA and “love hormones” like oxytocin and MSH? Why too much estrogen can be a problem for men; Are over-the-counter supplements for ED as effective as drugs like Viagra/Levitra/Cialis? Are there solutions for men for whom testosterone and ED drugs don’t work? Click HERE for part 2.


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