Expert Interview


ENCORE: How To Slow, and Even Reverse, Our Biological Clocks, Part 2
September 6, 2023
Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Dr. Kara Fitzgerald, author of "Younger You: Reduce Your Bio Age and Live Longer, Better." Click HERE for part 1.



ENCORE: The Insidious Dangers that Contaminate Our Food, Part 1
September 5, 2023
Each year, Americans consume hundreds of food products that contain truly dangerous compounds, including heavy metals, pesticides, and other harmful additives—with the blessing of the FDA. Why is this happening and why haven’t you heard about it? In "Unsafe at Any Meal", Dr. Renee Dufault, former food investigator for the Food and Drug Administration, provides the startling answers. While at the FDA, Dr. Dufault discovered that mercury—a highly toxic metal—was contaminating the plumbing systems of many food manufacturing plants. Upon further examination, she discovered that the same mercury was also evident in a number of processed foods commonly sold in supermarkets. When Dr. Dufault revealed these disturbing findings to her superiors, she was told to stop her investigation. Her continued efforts to raise the issue always met with a dead end, so she chose to take early retirement from the FDA. Dr. Dufault then devoted her energy to making the public aware of the insidious dangers that contaminate our food. In 2010, she founded an organization of scientists to study the scope of this problem and has published numerous research articles on the topic with little fanfare. To expose what still seems to be a well-kept secret by the FDA, she has written "Unsafe at Any Meal" to provide consumers with the information they need to know . . . before it is too late. Click HERE for part 2.



ENCORE: The Insidious Dangers that Contaminate Our Food, Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Dr. Renee Dufault, former food investigator for the Food and Drug Administration and author of "Unsafe at Any Meal." Click HERE for part 1.



What’s wrong with the American healthcare system? Part 1
August 31, 2023
What’s wrong with the American healthcare system? We had one of the world’s worst fatality rates with Covid and we trail most advanced countries in life expectancy. At the same time, we spend way more per capita on medical treatments. Matthew Rees, founder of Food and Health Facts, offers his incisive views on how to improve our nation’s health: we need more education, for the public and for health professionals; perverse incentives like subsidies for poor quality food need to be eliminated; and certain forms of food advertising to impressionable kids should be prohibited . Rees addresses the limitations of newly-popularized weight loss drugs. He discusses why health disparities are widening among Americans. And he offers lessons from the pandemic. Overall, his message is that we need to apply the same precision to prevention that we currently leverage toward development of pricey high-tech medical breakthroughs. Click HERE for part 2.



What’s wrong with the American healthcare system? Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Matthew Rees, founder of Food and Health Facts, on how to improve our nation’s health. Click HERE for part 1.



ENCORE: The Tyranny of Evidence-Based Medicine, Part 1
August 29, 2023
Dr. Richard Amerling is a board-certified nephrologist and Past-President of the American Association of Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS). He currently serves as Associate Medical Director of America’s Frontline Doctors. What is EBM? Originally intended to bring scientific rigor to the practice of medicine, EBM has been hijacked to further the aims of BigPharma to standardize drug and vaccine protocols with sketchy evidence of safety and efficacy. EBM robs physicians of autonomy and limits their therapeutic options. The result is a kind of paint-by-numbers medicine. Dr. Amerling discusses how this has restricted plausible therapies for Covid; other examples include past campaigns to exaggerate the benefits of cholesterol drugs, installing them as “standard of care”. With their pliant enablers in the media, governments are leveraging EBM to limit what drugs and therapies are available to patients. Click HERE for part 2.



ENCORE: The Tyranny of Evidence-Based Medicine, Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Dr. Richard Amerling, board-certified nephrologist and Past-President of the American Association of Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS). He currently serves as Associate Medical Director of America’s Frontline Doctors. Click HERE for part 1.



Specific Measures to Prevent Infections, Part 1
August 23, 2023
Today’s guest is Dr. Lon Jones, retired osteopathic physician, authority on the history of medicine, and inventor of Xlear Nasal Spray. In his book, "Commonsense Medicine: Healing from the Inside Out and Stopping the Next Pandemic," he states “Illness today is seen as the lack of a proper balance of measurable symptoms, such as blood pressure, temperature, glucose levels, etc. Those elements are what we treat; seldom do we look for what causes our problems. This mechanical view completely ignores our ability to adapt to changes in our environment, yet this mindset permeates not only medicine, but how we teach our children, and how we govern ourselves. We need to change the way we see to a model that honors our complexity and adaptability. This paradigm shift is the goal of Common Sense Medicine.” Click HERE for part 2.



Specific Measures to Prevent Infections, Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Dr. Lon Jones, retired osteopathic physician, authority on the history of medicine, and inventor of Xlear Nasal Spray. Click HERE for part 1.



Reforming SNAP, Part 1
August 22, 2023
Reforming SNAP. The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program—formerly known as food stamps—is designed to address nutritional gaps for economically-disadvantaged Americans. But critics argue that SNAP’s lack of selectivity when it comes to ultra-processed foods stokes the current epidemic epidemic of obesity and metabolic disorders. Nutritionist Carolina Schneider MS, RD joins us to discuss an opportunity to reform SNAP this September when Congress takes up renewal of the Farm Bill. She makes the case for emphasizing fresh, minimally-processed food as eligible for purchase under SNAP. Also, she urges inclusion of vitamin D under SNAP benefits because of the pervasiveness of vitamin D deficiency, especially among SNAP recipients. Check out a hub for citizen activism at In part 2 we shift to consideration of plant-based diets: What are their advantages, and what are potential pitfalls? Click HERE for part 2.


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