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Kids’ Health, Part 2 September 23, 2014 Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Heather Manley, ND, author of the Human Bodies Detectives book.
Postpartum Depression, Part 1 September 17, 2014 A high percentage of women suffer from the devastating symptoms of postpartum depression (PPD). Dr. Hoffman interviews PPD expert Dr. Shoshana Bennett, psychologist, radio host, and author of numerous books including Postpartum Depression for Dummies. What are the symptoms? Why are women susceptible after having a baby? What role does nutrition play? Do specific supplements help alleviate PPM? Do correctable thyroid and female hormone changes contribute to the problem?
Postpartum Depression, Part 2
Dr. Hoffman continues his discussion with PPD expert Dr. Shoshana Bennett.
Personalized Medicine for Brain Optimization, Part 1 September 16, 2014 A new test (Genecept) helps doctors predict which drugs, supplements will work best for depression, anxiety, ADHD, autism and other mood disorders. Dr. Jay Lombard, founder of Genomind LLC (https://www.genomind.com) explains how a simple saliva test can guide therapy. Why do some patients react badly to commonly prescribed psychiatric meds? Why do some patients get blown away when standard doses are prescribed? How can we determine ahead of time whether patients are likely to respond to B vitamins, fish oil, SAMe, inositol, or magnesium? Can your genes predict whether you’re sluggish or hyper? Is this the future of personalized medicine for brain optimization?
Personalized Medicine for Brain Optimization, Part 2
Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Dr. Jay Lombard on which drugs, supplements will work best for depression, anxiety, ADHD, autism and other mood disorders.
Second Opinion: Promising Trends in Cancer Treatment, Part 1 August 29, 2014 Is the cancer establishment inherently biased against low-tech natural therapies? Dr. Hoffman interviews Ralph Moss, Ph.D. and filmmaker Eric Merola on their new movie, Second Opinion: Did Memorial Sloane Kettering Cancer Center deep-six promising data on Laetrile in the 1970s? Was their motive to suppress unconventional cancer treatments? Why is it important to re-litigate this case four decades later? Dr. Moss weighs in on promising trends in cancer treatment, both mainstream and alternative: ketogenic diet, targeted immunotherapy, hyperthermia, Avemar, Essiac tea, mushrooms, proteolytic enzymes, IV vitamin C.
Second Opinion: Promising Trends in Cancer Treatment, Part 2
Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Ralph Moss, Ph.D. and filmmaker Eric Merola on their new movie, Second Opinion.
The Evolution of Medicine Summit, Part 1 August 26, 2014 The Evolution of Medicine Summit is here! Featuring 40 speakers on all aspects of complementary and alternative medicine, this event promises to be a great resource for Intelligent Medicine listeners. Dr. Hoffman interviews The Evolution of Medicine’s founder, James Maskell: How does he see the future of medicine? Will a new generation of gadgetry empower medical consumers toward enlightened self-care? Are safe, natural, low-cost health care modalities making inroads in mainstream medicine? Can the current system be saved? How are innovators and disruptors transforming the landscape of contemporary healthcare?
The Evolution of Medicine Summit, Part 2
Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with The Evolution of Medicine Summit founder, James Maskell.
Dr. Fred Pescatore on Probiotics, Part 1 August 19, 2014 Probiotics are everywhere in the health news today—what accounts for their popularity? Integrative physician Fred Pescatore, MD, author of Boost Your Health with Bacteria, discusses probiotics—what they’re good for, who’s a candidate for supplementation, the relative benefits of various types. How to choose the best probiotic: single species versus multiple (Less may be more when it comes to probiotic “body counts”)? freeze-dried vs. live organisms? the role of pre-biotics.