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Remembering Dr. Mitchell Gaynor, Part 2 September 24, 2015 This is part 2 of Dr. Hoffman's April 15 interview with the late Dr. Mitchell Gaynor, integrative oncologist. Click HERE for part 1.
Natural Solutions for Diabetes, Part 1 September 22, 2015 Natural solutions for diabetes and pre-diabetes, with James Lavalle, author of “Cracking the Metabolic Code.” A recent survey shows that fully 1/2 of Americans suffer from diabetes or pre-diabetes. A considerable percentage are undiagnosed. How do you know if you’re at risk for diabetes or pre-diabetes? Is genetics fate when it comes to metabolism? Lowering carbohydrate intake is crucial to diabetes reversal, but what role can resistant starch play in combating blood sugar problems? Is the microbiome involved? How do environmental toxins impair glucose control and insulin signaling? What are the best supplements for those suffering from metabolic syndrome? How are thyroid, adrenal and sex hormones implicated? Can stress dysregulate blood sugar? What’s the proper exercise regimen for reversing diabetes? Click HERE for part 2.
Natural Solutions for Diabetes, Part 2
Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with James Lavalle, author of “Cracking the Metabolic Code.” Click HERE for part 1.
Start School Later, Part 1 September 17, 2015 The Start School Later campaign (StartSchoolLater.net) was initiated to combat the burgeoning epidemic of sleep deprivation in teenage school children. Pediatrician Dr. Lynn Keefe explains why adolescents have a different body clock, and may arrive at school “brain-dead” when classes start too early. Teenagers require 81/2 to 10 hours of sleep per night; surveys show the average teenager sleeps around 6 1/2 hrs, clearly putting them at risk for sleep deprivation. Consequences of inadequate sleep include poor learning, inattentiveness, irritability, depression, even ADD/ADHD. Sleep deprivation has been demonstrated to increase food cravings and has been implicated in the rising tide of childhood obesity and diabetes. Excessive use of caffeinated, high-sugar energy drinks by kids makes the situation worse. Communities across the U.S. are organizing to change school schedules, and the results in terms of academic performance and parent and child satisfaction are validating the Start School Later movement. Click HERE for part 2.
Start School Later, Part 2
Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Pediatrician Dr. Lynn Keefe about how the average teenager is at risk for sleep deprivation. Click HERE for part 1.
Integrative Approaches to Dementia and Alzheimer’s, Part 1 September 9, 2015 Lisa Feiner, co-founder and director of the Sharp Again Naturally foundation, discusses integrative approaches to dementia and Alzheimer’s. The mission of Sharp Again Naturally is to educate the public and medical community about reversible causes of dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease, and advocate for new testing and treatment protocols. While a drug “fix’ for Alzheimer’s remains elusive, despite billions spent on research, lifestyle measures and integrative strategies are increasingly becoming validated. A new study by UCLA researcher Dr. Dale Bredesen yielded 90% success in a small trial involving diet modification, exercise, targeted supplementation, and stress reduction. What might be the key components of an anti-dementia diet? What supplements are plausible for Alzheimer’s reversal? How can coconut oil be employed in an Alzheimer’s reversal program? What role might environmental toxicity play in cognitive decline? How does polypharmacy increase the risk of dementia in the vulnerable elderly? Are hormones a factor? With input from the public and the medical community, Sharp Again Naturally is trying to instigate a profound paradigm shift in our current one-dimensional drug-oriented approach to cognitive decline. Click HERE for part 2.
Integrative Approaches to Dementia and Alzheimer’s, Part 2
Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Lisa Feiner, co-founder and director of the Sharp Again Naturally foundation. Click HERE for part 1.
Replenishing Cells, Increasing Energy. Part 1 September 8, 2015 Update on Lipid Replacement Therapy with NT Factor. John Casey, founder and CEO of Nutritional Therapeutics, Inc (NTI) explains the rationale behind a unique ingredient, NT Factor. A special formulation of phospholipids derived from natural food sources, NT Factor replenishes cell membranes, crucial to energy metabolism. It also acts as a delivery system to enhance bio-availability of critical nutrients. As we age, in disease states or under stress, membrane glycolipids are damaged and depleted, resulting in impaired cellular and mitochondrial function. This is the underlying mechanism behind a wide array of degenerative disorders, chronic fatigue, as well as aging in general. John Casey details research validating the supporting role NT Factor may play in chemo fatigue, CFS, Gulf War Syndrome, post-Lyme symptoms and aging; Is NT Factor compatible with medications? Who’s a candidate for NT Factor? What forms are available? What is Propax? How long does it take to work? Is it safe to take with medications?Click HERE for part 2.
Replenishing Cells, Increasing Energy. Part 2
Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with John Casey, founder and CEO of Nutritional Therapeutics, Inc, about NT Factor. Click HERE for part 1.
How well does your body handle stress? Part 1 September 2, 2015 How healthy are your adrenals? How well does your body handle stress? Get ready to take a deep-dive on this much misunderstood subject with Dr. Thomas Guilliams, author of The Role of Stress and the HPA Axis in Chronic Disease Management. Is your adrenal test giving you misleading information? Why are the terms "adrenal fatigue" and "burnout" overly simplistic? Can excess cortisol keep you from losing weight? Is there such a thing as dietary stress? What roles do exercise, sleep, and genetics play in mediating the effects of stress? What's the scientific rationale for adaptogens like rhodiola and ashwaganda? Does licorice really "support the adrenals"? What about DHEA, 7-keto DHEA and pregnenolone? Click HERE for part 2.