Digestive Health


Q&A with Leyla, Part 2
May 20, 2015
What are the causes and treatments for Irritable Bowel Syndrome? Any nutritional advice for spinal stenosis? Is Olive Leaf destroying the beneficial flora in my gut? Is foaming and bubbling in the urine cause for alarm? Click HERE for part 1.



Fermented and Cultured Foods, Part 1
January 30, 2015
They’re all the rage! Everything you ever wanted to know about fermented and cultured foods: Cynthia Lair, nutrition professor at Bastyr University, dishes about the health benefits of living bacteria from food sources. Why are natural fermented foods superior to over-the-counter single species probiotics? What is Kombucha? Simple directions for making yogurt, kefir, fermented cabbage, kimchi, and miso at home. Are there dangers to homemade products? Why is homemade sour dough bread superior to commercial baked products? Click HERE for part 2.



Fermented and Cultured Foods, Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Cynthia Lair, nutrition professor at Bastyr University, about the health benefits of living bacteria from food sources. Click HERE for part 1.



Nourishing Broths, Part 1
January 8, 2015
It’s cold outside, and ’tis the season for a hearty broth! We talk to Kaayla Daniel, co-author of Nourishing Broths: An Old-Fashioned Remedy for a Modern World, who details the health benefits of slow-cooked bone-broths. They’re a mainstay for healing the gut in intestinal disorders, and provide essential nutrients for skin, hair, nails and the skeletal system. The key is natural gelatin! Dr. Daniel weighs in on ancestral diets according to guidelines set forth by the Weston A. Price Foundation; she’s a proponent of “nose-to-tail” consumption of grass-fed, humanely-raised animals. She advocates pasture-raised, unprocessed dairy products, but shares her reservations about over-dependence on soy protein. Click HERE for part 2.



Nourishing Broths, Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Kaayla Daniel who details the health benefits of slow-cooked bone-broths. They’re a mainstay for healing the gut in intestinal disorders, and providing essential nutrients for skin, hair, nails and the skeletal system. Click HERE for part 1.



Q&A with Leyla, Part 1
December 11, 2014
President Obama's recent trip to the hospital--turns out he has GERD. We offer natural tips for treating it. Can taking boron help slow the leaching of calcium from my bones? Click HERE for part 2.



Q&A with Leyla, Part 2

Does taking coconut oil raise cholesterol? What to do about ophthalmic pain from Herpes Zoster? Is there a cure for Achilles tendonitis? GERD, acid-blockers and C. difficile. Click HERE for part 1.



Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for November 22, Part 2
November 24, 2014
Secondary smoke from pot poses hazards equivalent to cigarettes; Spice up your memory with turmeric; Home cooking key to healthier diet, weight reduction; Why are so many people developing wheat intolerance? It’s not what you think! Click HERE for part 1. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.



Clinical Focus: Gluten, Part 1
November 18, 2014
Gluten: What is it? Why is it problematic? Why has the prevalence of celiac disease increased? Even if you don't test positive for celiac disease, can you be intolerant to gluten? What are the symptoms of gluten intolerance? What are some common sources of gluten? What are the hidden sources of gluten? What about wheat grass or sprouted wheat? What about other sources of gluten, ie, skincare products? What common medications are contaminated with gluten? Click HERE for part 2.



Clinical Focus: Gluten, Part 2

Dr. Hoffman and Leyla continue their discussion on the issues surrounding gluten. Click HERE for part 1.


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