

Q&A with Leyla, Part 1
August 1, 2018
Kids spend twice as much time indoors playing video games than outside. What toxins could be emanating from the recent steam pipe blast in New York City? What is a good protocol for reducing HgbA1c? Click HERE for part 2.



Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for July 28, Part 1
July 30, 2018
Vitamins don't work? How about folic acid promoting healthy brain volume in kids? And fish oil reducing disruptive behavior in adolescents? How to heal from a spinal compression fracture; Retinopathy due to diabetes; Fibroadenoma of the breast--is it cancer? How to gain weight on a low-carb diet; Curcumin eye drops for glaucoma; Your SPF 50 sunscreen may deliver only SPF 20 protection. Click HERE for part 2. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.



Leyla Weighs In: The Benefits of Vitamin D for Autistic Children
July 27, 2018
Cysteine ameliorates allergic inflammatory reactions by suppressing TSLP in human mast cells; Clonal Hematopoiesis and risk of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease; L-carnitine and vitamin C protects kidneys from cancer treatment; Vitamin K2 may help glycemic control; Landmark trial shows vitamin D helps autistic children.



Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for July 14, Part 1
July 16, 2018
Doctors not properly trained to offer sound nutritional advice; Take your microbiome to the gym—your metabolism will thank you; Even modest high blood pressure linked to early lesions, dementia, in autopsied brains; What’s the optimal treatment for SIBO? Full-fat dairy exonerated as cause of heart disease, overall risk of death; What to do when your fasting fingerstick blood sugar is 135? Nearly half of Americans currently battling overweight; Can carbs make you drowsy? How to lower elevated hemoglobin A1c; Sleep provides antioxidant benefits. Click HERE for part 2. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.



Is Coffee a Superfood? Part 1
June 26, 2018
Dr. Steven Helschien does a deep-dive on the benefits of coffee. Once reviled as bad for the heart, new research is vindicating coffee, and even showing that caffeine delivers cardiac benefits without increasing the risk of hypertension or cardiac arrhythmias. How many servings are optimal? What other substances in coffee are beneficial? What about claims that the acrylamides in coffee can cause cancer? Is it important for coffee to be organic? Coffee also appears to counteract depression and protect the brain from neurodegenerative diseases. It’s also helpful for the liver, combatting fatty liver, gallstones, and liver cancer. There are additional protective effects vs. metabolic syndrome and diabetes. Caffeine is also a proven ergogenic agent for sport, and may facilitate weight loss. Dr. Helschien describes how his quest for the perfect functional food led to the development of antioxidant-rich Purity Coffee. Click HERE for part 2.



Leyla Weighs In: The Diverse Benefits of Vitamin C
June 8, 2018
Vitamin C benefits immunity in diverse ways; Vitamin C shown to improve blood sugar control in diabetics; Vitamin B2 protects heart tissue after heart attack by turning on protective genes.



Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for June 2, Part 2
June 4, 2018
Fast-walking reduces all-cause mortality; Walking benefits augmented if you chew gum; Standing on a vibration platform increases cartilage thickness, augments bone density, balance, improves body composition; Why are mainstream doctors so reluctant to order 5-hour glucose tolerance tests for patients with hypoglycemia symptoms? Should supplements be taken with fat? With food or away from it? A vitamin D expert provides answers; Low levels of vitamin D associated with cognitive decline; Hot flashes may persist well past middle age; What are Holy Basil supplements good for? New blood test may improve on predictive value of PSAs; A call-to-action: Bring back Home Ec classes! Probiotics taken during pregnancy and breast-feeding reduce infant eczema by 70%. Click HERE for part 1. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.



Q&A with Leyla, Part 1
May 30, 2018
Does intermittent fasting really increase oxidative stress and diabetes risk? Are there any probiotics that promote weight loss? Baking soda: A safe, easy treatment for arthritis? Is there a supplement that can be taken to help with blood sugar spikes while traveling? Click HERE for part 2.



ENCORE: Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for May 26, Part 2
May 28, 2018
A caller with autoimmune hepatitis seeks natural cures; Pasta is “healthy, helps you shed pounds”—but research promoted by the world’s largest spaghetti company to counter low-carb trend; Does a PSA of 17 mean cancer? Despite a recent calcium score of zero, a caller who experienced chest pain shoveling snow reports his doctor thinks he has heart problems—how can that be? Curcumin improves memory and mood; Low vitamin D levels predict diabetes risk; Increased exposure to environmental toxins may contribute to higher diabetes rates in minorities. Click HERE for part 1. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.



Q&A with Leyla, Part 1
May 23, 2018
Time-restricted feeding helps with insulin sensitivity and lowers blood pressure. Ever Since I’ve been a teenager, my stomach protrudes. Recently I suffered a stomach virus and the problem went away. What gives? Can you get enough vitamin D if you spend a half hour in the sun in northern California during summer? How beneficial is magnesium malate in chelating heavy metals from the body? Which type of magnesium should I take at night for sleep? Click HERE for part 2.


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