Dental Health


Q&A with Leyla, Part 1
December 12, 2018
Endocrine disruptors linked to early puberty in girls. My 36-year-old son in law has low T, increased prolactin and a pituitary tumor. Can you provide info on this?; Do you still recommend Spry gum even though it's made in China? Click HERE for part 2.



ENCORE: Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for November 10, Part 2
November 12, 2018
Is fluoridated water a contributor to kids ADHD? Simply eyeballing patients in the emergency room offers more effective triage than complex, time-consuming “algorithms”; Supplements for reversing dense, fibrocystic breasts; Is curcumin helpful for cryoglobulinemia? America’s obesity epidemic is undermining our military preparedness; There’s no free lunch—when Pharma reps take doctors out to lunch it costs consumers big bucks; Is astaxanthin a useful supplement? Will integrative medicine overtake conventional medicine? Treatment of oral lichen planus. Click HERE for part 1. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.



Q&A with Leyla, Part 2
October 31, 2018
My mother has a high CRP, fever, and water accumulating around her heart. Why is this happening?; My son and his wife are expecting! What are your supplement recommendations for pregnancy?; I think N-acetyl-glucosamine (NAG) works better than L-glutamine for food sensitivities; Can vitamin K be taken at the same time as vitamin D?; What is your opinion of dental implants? Click HERE for part 1.



Q&A with Leyla, Part 2
May 30, 2018
Many claim that mineral supplements aren't absorbed as well as food, is this true? A listener with periodontal disease asks about dental implants? Would a bridge be a better option? What do you think of the "new" DGL supplement called GutGuard? Since the liver absorbs toxins from the body, are beef and chicken livers safe to eat?Click HERE for part 1.



The Exercise — Oral Care Connection, Part 1
April 6, 2018
Shad Slaughter, Xylitol Expert and Spry Brand Manager at Xlear, Inc. joins us to discuss the importance of oral care as part of an active lifestyle. What is it about exercise that can be hard on our teeth? What can we do to protect our teeth when we are being active? Shad also shares best dental hygiene practices for children. Click HERE for part 2.



The Exercise — Oral Care Connection, Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Shad Slaughter, Xylitol Expert and Spry Brand Manager at Xlear, Inc. about the importance of oral care as part of an active lifestyle. Click HERE for part 1.



Q&A with Leyla, Part 2
March 7, 2018
Where do you get your grass-fed beef? I'm always concerned about quality; Do you recommend beta-sitosterol for prostate and heart health? Which supplements can be taken for gum inflammation? I had my gallbladder removed 40 years ago. Now I have clay-colored stools if I eat a fatty meal. Is this normal? Click HERE for part 1.



Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for March 3, Part 1
March 5, 2018
Should you take vitamin C to “bowel tolerance” to fight colds and flu? IV vitamin C breakthrough—it receives approval from FDA after 11 years in regulatory limbo; Vitamin D vs. upper respiratory infections, menstrual irregularities, and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS); Magnesium deficiency may hamper vitamin D effectiveness; Greener neighborhoods promote kids’ brain development; Pregnant moms can allergy-proof their children by taking fish oil and probiotic supplements; Dietary polyphenols alleviate fibromyalgia distress. Click HERE for part 2. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.



Alleviating Sinus Complaints, Part 1
February 8, 2018
It’s cold and flu season and many are suffering from sinusitis, a frequent aftermath of viral infections. Studies reveal that antibiotics, and even nasal steroids, perform no better than placebo in alleviating sinus complaints. Xylitol may offer an alternative. Nathan Jones is founder and CEO of Xlear, Inc., a manufacturer of xylitol products. He relates how his father, Dr. Lon Jones, first discovered xylitol’s remarkable protective effects on the respiratory system. How does xylitol clear nasal mucus? What’s the “SNOT” score? What are biofilms? How does xylitol dissolve biofilms that enable bacteria to hide from the immune system, and to resist antibiotics? What’s the evidence for Xlear’s benefits? How often do you need to use it? What are potential dental applications of xylitol? Against cavities? Against periodontal disease? Against bad breath? Against dry mouth symptoms? What about xylitol as a low-calorie sweetener? What innovative new products is Xlear rolling out? Click HERE for part 2.



Leyla Weighs In
December 29, 2017
Low prenatal red meat intake tied to kids' substance misuse; Gum disease tied to yet another deadly illness.


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