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Curcumin and Magnesium for Brain Health, Part 1 July 30, 2019 Protocol for Life Balance Senior Nutrition Education Manager Neil Levin weighs in on nutritional strategies for preventing cognitive decline. While BigPharma flounders in its multi-billion-dollar efforts to find a “magic bullet” drug against Alzheimer’s Disease, an estimated 28 million Baby Boomers are destined to suffer from the debilitating condition by mid-century. A new study suggests that simple lifestyle changes can mitigate risk even in those with Alzheimer’s genes. Levin discusses the science substantiating the brain benefits of curcumin and magnesium. But bio-availability is a problem; most forms of curcumin and magnesium don’t cross the blood-brain barrier. Levin highlights research on Curcumin SPLC (Cogumin) and magnesium threonate (Protosorb Magnesium). Other ancillary nutrients like phosphatidylcholine, phosphatidylserine, bacopa, huperzine, CoQ10, fish oil and tocotrienols also deserve consideration in a brain-protective regimen. Click HERE for part 2.
Curcumin and Magnesium for Brain Health, Part 2
Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Protocol for Life Balance Senior Nutrition Education Manager Neil Levin who weighs in on nutritional strategies for preventing cognitive decline. Click HERE for part 1.
Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for July 27, Part 2 July 29, 2019 A presidential candidate inveighs against excessive use of antidepressants; Food industry seeks to reframe eating Oreos as exercise in “Mindfulness”; Using smartphones for 5 hours or more per day associated with dramatic increase in obesity; A caller with an abnormal exercise stress test is told he needs a stent. Does he? B6 and iron for panic attacks; NAD for Parkinson’s Disease; Healthy lifestyle may overcome genetic risk for Alzheimer’s; Magnesium and curcumin support brain health. Click HERE for part 1. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.
Q&A with Leyla, Part 1: Trans Fatty Acids July 24, 2019 Association of lifestyle and genetic risk with incidence of dementia; What are trans fatty acids? Are there specific ingredients on packaging labels to be wary of?; Dietary cholesterol improves MS symptoms in mice. Click HERE for part 2.
Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for June 8, Part 2 June 10, 2019 Chicken as bad as red meat when it comes to cholesterol—but does it matter? Decline in mitochondrial function might explain aging, memory loss; Should your daily goal really be 10,000 steps? Angels of death: German nurse, American doctor accused of killing scores of patients; Ironic origin of the meme “It’s not nice to fool Mother Nature”; Chinese doctors censured for altering DNA to produce HIV-proof babies; Excess Omega-3s in pregnancy may be harmful; Electronic medical records leave legacy of cost-overruns, dysfunction, medical errors, physician burnout. Click HERE for part 1. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.
Q&A with Leyla, Part 2: Starch Based Diet? May 22, 2019 I want to take supplements for my memory but I hate to take gigantic pills - help!; I can't take fish oil supplements that smell and taste like fish. What can I do?; What supplements do you recommend for prostate cancer?; Can you tell me what you think about the starch-based diet by Dr. McDougall? Click HERE for part 1.
ENCORE: Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for April 20, Part 1 April 22, 2019 Eggs good, eggs bad—make up your mind! Why most health news is fake; The 88-year-old man who ate 25 eggs per day; Is cocoa good for Type 2 diabetes? Treatment of food poisoning; Mushrooms reduce the risk of cognitive decline by 50%. Click HERE for part 2. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.
ENCORE: Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for April 13, Part 1 April 15, 2019 Resistance training, swimming, and tennis fight aging; Does Stevia counteract Lyme Disease? Blueberries for blood pressure; Pomegranate juice for slowing memory decline. “PharmaBro” continues to direct his pharmaceutical empire from prison; Doc sends robot into ICU to inform patient he’s dying; Low-carb diets linked to atrial fibrillation—Really?? Pregnant women can slash their kids’ autism risk by taking a prenatal multi. Click HERE for part 2. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.
Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for April 6, Part 2 April 8, 2019 April is National IBS awareness month; Gut sufferers seek political clout in D.C.; Is beer the next cancer-fighting functional food? Eating more fruits and vegetables protects men from cognitive decline; Polypharmacy is rampant in seniors and hikes risk of adverse drug interactions; A flawed study argues that most women could be candidates for powerful osteoporosis meds; Tea confers far-ranging mood-enhancing and cognitive-protective benefits. Click HERE for part 1.
ENCORE: Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for March 30, Part 2 April 1, 2019 Are claims that “probiotics are dangerous” substantiated? Anti-depressants uniformly cause weight gain; An amino acid that may counter Alzheimer’s, ALS; Phthalates in plastic impair fertility—are they lurking in IV bags, catheters, and other disposable medical devices? Supplements and lifestyle to lower C-reactive protein; A caller attests to reality of Zyrtec withdrawal—how to wean off dependency; Vitamin D helps overcome drug-resistant tuberculosis; Flaxseed may aid metabolism, promote weight loss; Healing with essential oils. Click HERE for part 1. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.