

Intelligent Medicine Podcast: Q&A with Leyla, Part 2
July 4, 2014
How to promote maximal fat-burning post-exercise; Psoriatic arthritis and diabetes – alternatives to methotrexate and prednisone; how much iodine can you safely take?



Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for June 7, Part 1
June 9, 2014
Cynicism may increase risk of dementia; Secret to successful weight loss may lie in avoidance of night-time light exposure; Are blonds genetically "dumb"? Exercise boosts diversity of gut bacteria; End-of-life care for elderly often too aggressive--doctors often forego heroic treatments for themselves; Prophylactic mastectomy and oopherectomy over-used--is it over-the-top for Angelina Jolie to opt for "preventive" removal of her ovaries after having both breasts removed? Capsiate for weight loss; Marijuana pro and con: beneficial for autoimmune disease according to recent study, but bad (especially for young people) in so many ways--could CBD be the answer? Click here for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.



Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for May 31, Part 2
June 2, 2014
Geriatricians caution seniors that nutritional drinks like Boost and Ensure are no more than "liquid candy bars with vitamins"; flax seed lignans for breast cancer; probiotics for fatty liver, resveratrol for diabetes; EGCG from green tea for pancreatic cancer. Click here for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.



Intelligent Medicine Podcast: The remarkable health properties of coconut oil, Part 2
May 28, 2014
Dr. H continues his discussion with Dr. Bruce Fife, author of The Coconut Oil Miracle



Intelligent Medicine Podcast: The remarkable health properties of coconut oil, Part 1

Once maligned as a harmful, saturated fat, coconut oil is experiencing a resurgence of interest because of its remarkable health properties. Dr. Bruce Fife, author of The Coconut Oil Miracle, is the originator of the Coconut Research Center. We discuss the potential roles of extra virgin coconut oil in treatment of obesity (and paradoxically malnutrition), intestinal inflammation, skin disorders, Alzheimer’s Disease, and even cancer. As an added bonus, Dr. Fife discusses the new fad of “oil pulling”—initially skeptical, after scientific investigation, he concludes that there really might be something to it!



Intelligent Medicine Podcast: Q&A with Leyla Part 2
April 24, 2014
Can smoking make your veins more prominent? At what age can a woman stop having regular GYN visits? Are there home testing meters for uric acid? Natural therapies for gout.



Intelligent Medicine Podcast: Q&A with Leyla Part 2
April 2, 2014
Mixed signals--good Body Mass Index, bad waist-hip ratio, what does this mean? Post-menopausal weight gain and "Syndrome W"; nitric oxide supplements; Dr. Hoffman weighs in on this week's New England Journal of Medicine op-ed calling for tight regulation of the supplement industry.



Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for March 29 Part 2
March 31, 2014
Are vegetarians healthier than meat-eaters? So NOT according to a shocking new study; anti-anxiety and sleep meds DOUBLE your risk of death; autism rate in America soars, now 1 in 68, 1 in 42 in boys! Safety and effectiveness of Human Growth Hormone—is it really an anti-aging treatment? Plus listener questions. Click here for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.



Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for March 15 Part 2
March 17, 2014
Olive polyphenols like oleuropein possess anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-viral, anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory, anti-atherogenic, anti-aging and skin-protective effects—but most mass-market olive oils do not contain active polyphenols. Proper sourcing of genuine polyphenol-rich olive oil and supplementation with Olive Leaf Extract can help you fully utilize the benefits of the Mediterranean Diet; older but wiser—thoughts on aging gracefully; build muscle and you’ll live longer; natural strategies for dealing with spring allergies; environmental pollutants linked to autism—is it time for you to detox? Click here for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.



Intelligent Medicine: Extraordinary longevity
February 20, 2014
Dr. Hoffman takes a tour of "The Blue Zones”—lessons we can learn from places of extraordinary longevity; he takes the “Vitality Compass” test, and finds it lacking; dairy products increase risk of prostate cancer; a “Red Zone” of poor health is emerging in the Persian Gulf; the Justina Pelletier case—is her family “shopping” a medical explanation for their daughter’s mental condition, or is the State depriving the Pelletier’s of their right to health care self-determination?


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