

Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for September 5, Part 2
September 7, 2020
When is it safe to return to exercise after Covid-19 infection? Virus fears take toll on Americans' fitness; How to enhance immunity; Cheap drugs, widely available for 75 years, shown to curb severity of coronavirus infections, prevent death; Novel cancer research: honeybee venom and tumor-specific sound waves; Put on a happy face to release pain-relieving and mood-enhancing neurotransmitters; Common medications hike risk of cognitive decline. Click HERE for part 1. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.



Leyla Weighs In: Successful Aging
August 28, 2020
Successful aging: What it means and an exploration of how to do it.



Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for August 22, Part 2
August 24, 2020
Does vitamin D need to be taken with vitamin K? Low-carb vs. low-fat diets for overweight seniors; Multivitamins found to reduce illness duration, severity; World Health Organization calls for halt to “routine" dental procedures amid pandemic—but what’s non-essential about preventive care? Calcium in aortic artery—need statins? Why some heartburn drugs help, others may hurt, in Covid-19; CoQ10 vs. kidney failure. Click HERE for part 1. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.



ENCORE: Natural Treatments for Macular Degeneration, Part 1
August 20, 2020
Macular Degeneration will affect millions of aging Baby Boomers. Dr. Jeffrey Anshel, co-author of "What You Must Know About Age-Related Macular Degeneration: How You Can Prevent, Stop, or Reverse AMD" shares exciting details about how diet, supplements, and lifestyle measures can stave off this devastating condition. He traces the history of macular degeneration research, and explains why his protocol goes beyond the nutrients contained in traditional eye formulas. Click HERE for part 2.



ENCORE: Natural Treatments for Macular Degeneration, Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Dr. Jeffrey Anshel, co-author of "What You Must Know About Age-Related Macular Degeneration: How You Can Prevent, Stop, or Reverse AMD." Click HERE for part 1.



Q&A with Leyla, Part 1: Fast Food
August 19, 2020
Study: More kids are eating fast food since the pandemic; Use of berberine for anti-Alzheimer's effects; My son had Covid-19 for three weeks about 2 months ago. Now he suffers from extreme fatigue. Is this from the virus? Click HERE for part 2.



Q&A with Leyla, Part 2: Milk and Breast Cancer?

Any recommendation for a good sink faucet filter?; If kids can go back to school with proper precautions, why can't restaurants serve indoors while taking those same precautions?; I've had rheumatoid arthritis for 17 years. Can nutritional care play a part in this condition?; I use coumadin because of a history of pulmonary embolism and DVT. I'm concerned for my bone health while on this medication. Should I switch to Xarelto or Eliquis?; A study suggests that drinking as little as one cup of milk per day may increase the rate of breast cancer by up to 50%. What are your thoughts? Is organic milk better? Click HERE for part 1.



Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for August 8, Part 2
August 10, 2020
Why macular degeneration patients are more likely to die of COVID-19; A new review of cholesterol meds shows limited survival benefits when targeting LDL; How much and what type of vitamin K for osteoporosis? The science of viral transmission by kids—and what it says about the safety of school opening; Turmeric kitchen spice—is it bioavailable? Stem cells for rheumatoid arthritis? Click HERE for part 1. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.



ENCORE: Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for August 1, Part 2
August 3, 2020
World’s most influential medical leaders still receive enormous sums from BigPharma; Can too much Vitamin D cause cardiac arrhythmias? A caller who shed 65 pounds with the Mediterranean diet plus Time-Restricted Feeding; 24-year study of 90,000 individuals shows Extra Virgin olive oil curbs cardiovascular disease; Surveys reveal increasing numbers of Americans suffer anxiety and depression, and psych med prescriptions are soaring during pandemic shutdown; Alzheimer’s gene found to heighten susceptibility to adverse Covid-19 outcomes; Higher glycosylated hemoglobin (HgbA1c) predicts severity of coronavirus infection; Aged Garlic Extract—how much to take for cardiovascular prevention? Making physical activity a priority for kids during pandemic lockdown. Click HERE for part 1. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.



Leyla Weighs In: Natural Approaches to Neurodegenerative Disease
July 31, 2020
Neurodegenerative disease -- Improving outcomes through nutrition.


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