

Intelligent Medicine Radio for June 18, Part 2: Reversing Cognitive Decline
June 20, 2022
Is there a way of reversing cataracts without surgery? Federal court holds glyphosate approval unlawful citing health risks, environmental concerns; Ear wax—is there a diet connection? Dealing with coronary calcium; Reversing cognitive decline requires individualized therapy; Chinese weaponizing Covid tracking to stifle dissent. Click HERE for part 1. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.



Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for June 4, Part 1
June 6, 2022
A remarkable pomegranate-derived polyphenol improves exercise performance, reverses mitochondrial aging; Monkey pox—big deal or not? Fish oil scores against hypertension; New potent vegan alternative to fish oil—now with SPM; Cranberries could improve memory and ward off dementia. Click HERE for part 2. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.



Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for June 4, Part 2

Depression rates among kids soaring—the unsuspected role of the microbiome; Is the J&J vaccine still an option? What to do after a Covid infection; Is Metformin an anti-aging drug? Evidence emerges of hasty organ harvesting by Chinese surgeons; Height may be a predictor for certain health maladies. Click HERE for part 1. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.



Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for May 28, Part 1
May 30, 2022
Covid cases soar, but hospitalizations and deaths down, as world grows tired of Covid restrictions; Vaccination does not prevent Long Covid; “Asymptomatic spread” fears were overblown; Knee arthritis more common in diabetes; Why high cholesterol doesn’t always necessitate statins; Aspirin of little value in all but patients with the most serious arterial blockage; Does a wrist fracture signal the need for osteoporosis meds? EBT coronary calcium scan to delineate heart risk. Click HERE for part 2. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.



ENCORE: Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for May 14, Part 2
May 16, 2022
COVID’s legacy of censorship, cancellation; Best form of magnesium? Diet and acne; Total hysterectomy accelerates cognitive decline; 40 percent of American kids think hot dogs and bacon come from plants; Relief for chronic sinusitis; Physical activity sustains brain function—even a few minutes per day improves memory. Click HERE for part 1. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.



Dietary Supplements and Healthy Aging, Part 1
May 12, 2022
Anti-aging is a hot topic on Intelligent Medicine. Here, health educator and frequent podcast contributor Neil Levin provides a detailed explanation of how a suite of nutrients from our friends at Protocol for Life Balance, Pyrroloquinoline quinone (PQQ), glutathione, and alpha-lipoic acid, can provide a bulwark against cellular decline. Click HERE for part 2.



Dietary Supplements and Healthy Aging, Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Neil Edward Levin, the Senior Nutrition Education Manager and a product formulator for NOW(r) Foods and Protocol for Life Balance. Neil is an award-winning board-certified clinical nutritionist, a co-founder and former officer of the American Nutrition Association, a Director of the Mid-American Health Organization (MAHO), and serves on the International & American Association of Clinical Nutritionists' Clinical Nutrition Certification Board. Click HERE for part 1.



Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for May 7, Part 2
May 9, 2022
Do multivitamins deliver? Cholesterol 210, HDL 92, triglycerides 46—still need to reduce cholesterol? Calorie counting and exercise said to be futile for meaningful weight loss—but study is sponsored by drug company that makes popular new obesity meds! Use of fitness trackers soars, but exercise rates continue to plummet, particular for youth; The “active grandparent hypothesis”—why sustained physical activity enables humans to live and contribute way past reproductive age; “Paxlovid mouth” recognized as side effect of Pfizer’s Covid pill; FDA all but pulls J&J vax; Eye nutrients help ward off dementia; Measure waist/calf ratio to assess risk of cognitive decline. Click HERE for part 1. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.



Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for April 30, Part 2
May 2, 2022
Are rare deaths among young athletes tied to vaccine-induced heart damage? Following a Mediterranean diet during pregnancy curbs pre-eclampsia; Does supplemental calcium increase the risk of aortic valve stenosis? A caller asks if a second booster is warranted; Advice for gout; New study demonstrates nicotinamide riboside helps regenerate mitochondria; Why your running routine may fall into a rut—and how to amp up fat-burning; Researcher posits link between Wi-Fi and soaring rates of Alzheimer’s. Click HERE for part 1. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.



How Novel Nutraceuticals Can Slow the Aging Clock, Part 1
April 26, 2022
Anti-aging researcher Dr. Matthew Yousefzadeh joins us to explore how novel nutraceuticals can slow the aging clock. He is a Ph.D. molecular biologist with the Institute of Aging and Metabolism at the University of Minnesota. One aspect of senescence is the accumulation of “Zombie cells” that burden organ function. After investigating numerous natural substances, Dr. Yousefzadeh discovered that fisetin, a polyphenol found in strawberries and other fruits, possesses substantial activity against Zombie cells. This led him to collaborate with Science Research Wellness ( to develop Cel3, an anti-aging supplement, that teams fisetin with oleuropein from olive leaf and apigenin from celery. Research is now underway to evaluate the impact of these nutraceuticals vs. age-related frailty and other disorders. Click HERE for part 2.


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