The Applicability of Nutrients to Coronavirus, Part 1


Dr. Thomas Guilliams, author of "Supplementing Dietary Nutrients: A Guide for Healthcare Professionals" ( has been devoting considerable thought lately to the applicability of nutrients to the coronavirus pandemic; he shares advice about general nutritional support for immune defense, and then offers suggestions specific to COVID-19. Is there a danger of over-stimulating the immune system and risking ”cytokine storm”? What roles for A, C, D, zinc? What about melatonin, curcumin, NAC, alpha-lipoic acid, astragalus, Andrographis, mushroom extracts and beta-glucans products? As Vice President for Scientific Affairs for Ortho Molecular Products, he’s witnessing first hand some of the production bottlenecks and shortages the supplement industry is experiencing—there’s been a surge in demand for nutritional supplements, especially ones with immune-supportive caché. Click HERE for part 2.

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