Intelligent Medicine Radio for February 11, Part 2: The Real Nursing Home Scandal
Podcast |
“De-prescribing”—is it time to take a stand against unnecessary polypharmacy? Lion’s mane mushrooms support memory by enhancing nerve growth; A caller with asthma complains of susceptibility to viruses—is her immune system at fault? The real nursing home scandal—many facilities fail to prioritize vitamin D supplementation; Ultra-processed foods hike risk for cancer; Bariatric surgery may fend off obesity-related diseases—but young patients found to have increased risk of suicide; Exposure to plastic ingredient phthalate heightens diabetes risk; A novel herbal combination shows promise against ulcerative colitis/Crohn’s; Screen time increases adolescents’ body mass index—even exercise does little to counteract weight gain. Click HERE for part 1. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode. |