Intelligent Medicine®

ENCORE: DNA testing: Is it ready for Prime-Time? Part 1

Dr. Sharon Hausman-Cohen, Chief Medical Director of IntellxxDNA, shares her perspective on the genetic testing revolution. What’s the difference between a mutation and a SNP (single nucleotide polymorphism)? How does the IntellxxDNA test differ from, say, 23andMe? Isn’t it potentially scary to find out you have a “bad” gene, like the ApoE4 gene that’s associated with Alzheimer’s Disease risk? Can genetic risk factors be overcome with diet, exercise, and targeted supplements? IntellxxDNA pinpoints obesity genes, genes that predispose to diabetes and heart disease, macular degeneration, autoimmune disorders, thyroid problems and osteoporosis. Certain SNPs predict the likelihood of neurodegenerative diseases when exposed to environmental toxins like mercury and glyphosate. Others may dictate higher requirements for antioxidants, B vitamins, magnesium, vitamin D, and choline. Why is the IntellxxDNA test only available through health practitioners? Some critics say genetic testing is only in its infancy and not yet ready for primetime—is this mistaken? What can genomic testing tell us about remedial strategies for autism? Click HERE for part 2.

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