Intelligent Medicine®

Beating Sugar Addiction, Part 1

The Complete Guide to Beating Sugar Addiction” with Dr. Jacob Teitelbaum (author of “From Fatigued to Fantastic”). Dr. Teitelbaum breaks down the 4 major subtypes of sugar addiction and offers practical, actionable steps to combat them. Is it necessary to eliminate carbs entirely? He doesn’t endorse deprivation—food is to be enjoyed, but with greater attention to where sugars undermine health. A wide variety of medical conditions are sugar-related: Not just obesity, diabetes, and consequent cardiovascular disease, but also chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, irritable bowel, chronic sinusitis, allergic problems, depression, anxiety, headaches, even osteoporosis. What supplements help with sugar cravings? How to support adrenal function to combat hypoglycemia? What role does yeast play in perpetuating sugar cravings? Dr. Teitelbaum shares a host of free health information resources to address common complaints. Click HERE for part 2.

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