A New Threat to Health Freedom in America, Part 1


Today we visit with a health crusader from “across the pond”—Dr. Rob Verkerk, Scientific Director of the Alliance for Natural Health USA (www.ANH-USA.org), and Executive Director of ANH-International and ANH-Europe. Are European supplement regulations more stringent than those in the U.S.? Could new treaties and agreements that promise regulatory “harmonization” threaten health freedom in America? Should we worry about “Codex Alimentarius?” Does the single-payer medical system in the U.K. limit patient access to complementary physicians? How does the National Health Service stifle innovation? Why is homeopathy under attack in Britain? What about vaccine choice? Do Europeans have more freedom to steer clear of GMO products than Americans? How does www.HealthSquared.org foster integrative medicine? Click HERE for part 2.

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