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Clinical Focus: GERD, Part 1
June 21, 2016
Gastro-esophageal reflux disease GERD affects tens of millions of Americans. Many are relegated to long-term dependency on proton-pump inhibitors (PPIs), powerful acid-blockers that are prescribed for a lifetime. But they are very hard to discontinue due to acid-rebound; additionally they have lots of side effects including nutritional deficiencies, osteoporosis, heart attacks, dementia, kidney disease, IBS, higher risk of stomach infections like C. difficile, pneumonia, and headaches, nausea and rashes. Elimination diets can help; gluten-free, low-carb, FODMAP, and Paleo diets have proven benefits. Certain medications can worsen GERD. So, too, can chronic esophageal Candida infections which are encouraged by long-term acid suppression and can be missed by gastroenterologists. We describe a tapering protocol that has been successfully used by many Hoffman Center patients to get off PPIs. We consider nutraceuticals that can support a successful weaning from PPIs: DGL, Endefen, melatonin, aloe, hydrochloric acid and/or digestive enzymes, probiotics and Iberogast. Read more in this week's article, "NEWSFLASH: Heartburn not caused by excess acidity!," on Click HERE for part 2.


Clinical Focus: GERD, Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his talk on Gastro-esophageal reflux disease GERD, acid-blockers and their side effects. Click HERE for part 1.


Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for June 18, Part 1
June 20, 2016
What supplements do I need to stop before surgery? Could the wrong ingredients in a fruit/veggie powder supplement cause a recurrence of ovarian cancer? My doctors tell me lifestyle had nothing to do with my heart attack--should I believe them? Vitamin deficiencies linked to migraines; Is cranberry juice really effective for UTIs? Doctors continue to over-prescribe antibiotics for respiratory infections; "Early to rise" makes for better eating habits; Exercise promotes muscle repair in older adults. Click HERE for part 2. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.


Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for June 18, Part 2

Coffee doesn't cause cancer--except if it's too hot; The dangers of proton pump inhibitors; Acid-heartburn connection discredited; What to do for black mold exposure; Remedies for muscle stiffness; My heart valves are leaky--how bad is that? Click HERE for part 1. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.


Leyla Weighs In: Nutrition Labels
June 17, 2016
Changes to the Nutrition Facts Label -- the addition of added sugars to label information; important changes in serving sizes and how that may be a detriment to your waistline.


ENCORE PRESENTATION: Brain Self-Repair and Regeneration
June 16, 2016
Clinical Psychologist Dr. Brant Cortright, author of "The Neurogenesis Diet and Lifestyle: Upgrade Your Brain, Upgrade Your Life," rejects the myth that the brain is inevitably programmed to progressively decline; instead, he cites new scientific studies that suggest the brain is capable of self-repair and regeneration (neurogenesis). Sleep, physical exercise, nutrition, stress, social interaction and mental challenges are all factors that influence the rate of neurogenesis. Dr. Cortright offers practical suggestions on diet, supplements, Mindfulness Meditation and exercise that can optimize brain repair. He cites specific scientific studies that demonstrate that lifestyle changes can slow and even reverse cognitive decline.


Q&A with Leyla, Part 1
June 15, 2016
Popular entertainers endorsing junk food. Is there a non-whey source of branch chain amino acids? What do you say to those who claim glucosamine/chondroitin is ineffective for arthritis? Click HERE for part 2.


Q&A with Leyla, Part 2

What are the best supplements to take for high blood pressure while maintaining my medication? What do you think of the Scandinavian study that says you can maintain weight loss after one year of dieting due to adaptation of hunger hormones? What do you think of nicotinamide riboside for longevity? Click HERE for part 1.


True Extreme Makeover, Part 1
June 14, 2016
The Biggest Loser show enjoyed astounding popularity a decade ago. But recently, a well-publicized study revealed that almost all the contestants regained their lost weight and more. Many are plagued with a “stuck” metabolism that resists weight loss no matter how stringently they diet or how hard they exercise. The scientific conclusion is that dramatic weight-loss is nearly impossible to maintain due to alterations in leptin metabolism. Self-transformation expert Kat James weighs in with an alternative interpretation: She believes that the Biggest Loser paradigm was doomed to failure from the start because it invoked the wrong diet (ultra-low calorie and low-fat) and extremes of exercise, which are ineffective and unsustainable. Kat herself is a shining example of self-transformation because she successfully employed a leptin-sensitization program to overcome extreme binging and fatty liver, in the process dropping ten dress sizes over several years. Kat plumbs the science of leptin and describes how carb restriction and consumption of healthy dietary fat allow a reset of metabolism and appetite. Some of the benefits come from helpful alterations to the microbiome, the gut bacteria that mediate hormonal balance. Kat suspects that the Biggest Loser study was to some extent “planted” by BigPharma and the gastric bypass industries to make dieting seem futile and to prompt overweight persons to shift to reliance on medical or surgical “fixes” for obesity. With her “Total Transformation” program, significant and permanent weight loss is attainable, with freedom from cravings and deprivation, even without incessant exercise. Click HERE for part 2.


True Extreme Makeover, Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Kat James, author of "The Truth About Beauty: Transform Your Looks And Your Life From The Inside Out." Click HERE for part 1.

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