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Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for April 15, Part 2
April 17, 2017
Psychiatrists should tell patients with depression to "take a hike"; What to do for cold feet, poor circulation after chemo; Natural alternatives for sciatica; Should you take a periodic break from supplements? NY Times mocks vitamin D consumers--but new study confirms it reduces heart risk; Marathons increase death rate--but not in contestants! Breastfeeding may not make your kid smarter--but they'll be better behaved; Dramatic rise in cases of diabetes. Click HERE for part 1. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.


Leyla Weighs In
April 14, 2017
The role of prebiotics vs. probiotics. What is the action of each? When should each be taken? Can they be taken at the same time? What are some examples of good prebiotics?


ENCORE: The Downsides of Electronic Medical Records, Part 1
April 13, 2017
Electronic Medical Records: The Potemkin Village of Healthcare: Dr. Gerard Gianoli, an outspoken critic of our current bureaucratized system of medicine whose Op-Eds have appeared in the Wall Street Journal, weighs in on the downsides of EMRs. They burden doctors with paperwork, result in “Cookie Cutter” medical care, force independent physicians to become employees of large healthcare corporations, and compromise patient privacy. Recent news demonstrates how entire hospital systems can be held hostage by hackers. Low-cost, low-tech procedures—and simply talking to patients—are often discouraged by artificially low reimbursement rates. Physician burnout is at unprecedented levels and is highly correlated with whether or not doctors accept insurance or Medicare with its onerous requirements and strictures. Doctors are committing suicide at record rates, and older doctors are retiring in droves to sidestep changes dictated by new regulations. In view of a looming physician shortage, this is bad news for medical consumers. Dr. Gianoli advocates that physicians and patients get off the insurance reimbursement “grid” and rediscover quality care with 3rd party medicine, free of bureaucratic encumbrances. Click HERE for part 2.


ENCORE: The Downsides of Electronic Medical Records, Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Dr. Gerard Gianoli, an outspoken critic of our current bureaucratized system of medicine. Click HERE for part 1.


Q&A with Leyla, Part 1
April 12, 2017
Transforming healthcare--listeners respond. How can I produce a crop of measurably thicker hair on top of my head? Do you think high folic acid and B12 levels in pregnant women are linked to autism? Click HERE for part 2.


Q&A with Leyla, Part 2

I’m taking Niacel to prevent glaucoma, can I continue taking Niacinamide too? My 82-year-old mother has moderate to severe tricuspid regurgitation, will she need a valve replacement? Your patient workups are so thorough! How do I get my doctor to do the same for me? Click HERE for part 1.


Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for April 8, Part 1
April 10, 2017
What does and doesn't work for low back pain; Researchers can't make up their minds whether recommendations for vitamin D too high, or too low? What could cause a body-wide rash to spring up suddenly? A listener professes "shock" that I recommend capsule form of vitamin D; 20 percent of patients with serious conditions are first misdiagnosed; Which fruit are most likely to contribute to diabetes? Click HERE for part 2. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.


Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for April 8, Part 2

Common bug-killers cause early puberty in young boys; Do eggs cause dementia or Alzheimer's? Deep sleep may be the key to healthy old age; Sleep trackers may contribute to "orthosomnia"; Ostinol vs. bone loss; Are chemical additives, not nicotine, responsible for the harmful effects of cigarettes; Going gray early means you're at an increased risk of heart disease. Click HERE for part 1. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.


Leyla Weighs In
April 7, 2017
Are dietary lectins a real concern for most people? How can we avoid them if they're in so many healthy foods?


Relief for Autoimmune Disorders, Part 1
April 6, 2017
Dr. Terry Wahls discusses her new book, "The Wahls Protocol: Cooking for Life--The Revolutionary Modern Paleo Plan to Treat All Chronic Autoimmune Conditions." Dr. Wahls was a conventional physician who developed multiple sclerosis which was unresponsive even to powerful MS drugs. Though initially skeptical of natural medicine, she felt she had little recourse when she became wheelchair-bound, and turned to a Paleo diet. Within weeks her symptoms improved, and after several years she has achieved lasting remission. Her research led her to formulate the Wahls Protocol which has brought relief to thousands of sufferers of autoimmune disorders. How pervasive is autoimmunity? Why might diet aid recovery? Dr. Wahls dispels some misconceptions about the Paleo diet: Is it all meat? Very low carb? Are nightshades and beans permitted? Why the emphasis on bone broths? Organ meats? Seaweed? Coconut? Must all food be organic, grass-fed or wild-caught? How does the Wahls diet square with the ultra low-fat Swank diet for MS? Which supplements are beneficial? Dr. Wahls details an ongoing clinical trial meant to validate her protocol. How can one join the large community of Wahls Protocol adherents? Click HERE for part 2.

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