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ENCORE: Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for August 5, Part 2
October 2, 2017
Study finds no survival benefit of aggressive prostate surgery; Should all patients be tested for vitamin/mineral levels prior to supplementation? Join the crowd--are you overfat? Apple spending millions to develop killer app to measure blood sugar continuously via wrist watch; Soda consumption in US declines--but beverage companies not hurting; What causes bladder cancer? Sleeping less than 7 hours a night can make you fatter; Black seed is the hot new nutraceutical for asthma; Natural tinnitus cures. Click HERE for part 1. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.


Leyla Weighs In
September 29, 2017
In this continuation of last week's "Leyla Weighs In" episode, nutritionist Leyla Muedin continues her talk on what's causing the surge in celiac disease. A look at the microbiome and future targeted therapies.


Q&A with Leyla, Part 1
September 27, 2017
Take a break from your lose weight! Soybean oil is obesogenic whereas coconut oil is not. What's a good, non-whey based protein shake I can take to support my weight training? Can coffee enemas negatively affect the gut microbiome? Are tanning beds beneficial at all for getting vitamin D during the winter months? Click HERE for part 2.


Q&A with Leyla, Part 2

I've been hearing a lot about fulvic acid lately, do you agree that it's beneficial? Can cancer cells metabolize vitamin C instead of glucose? Dr. Sinatra had an article stating that HDL cholesterol over 90 could be a problem, should I be concerned? What's the safest method for making popcorn at home, is it safe in the microwave? Click HERE for part 1.


Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for September 23, Part 1
September 25, 2017
A new "breakthrough" drug for heart disease prevention costs $200,000 per year and may cause fatal infections--are there natural alternatives? How to lower elevated C-reactive protein; A caller on the "Whole 30" diet wants to know why his blood tests appear worse; The 80:20 principle in exercise: just 30 minutes 5 days/week of moderate is nearly as good as 2 hours of strenuous every day; The hype behind those fruit/veggie pills; Natural therapies for Barrett's esophagus; Diet change more effective than meds for acid reflux; A caller needs advice on combatting cellulitis. Click HERE for part 2. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.


Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for September 23, Part 2

Which is worse for you: soy oil, coconut oil, or high fructose corn syrup? Is there hope for long-standing anxiety and agoraphobia? Mysterious, sudden onset of allergy to beef, pork, and lamb; Melatonin vs. chemotherapy nerve pain; Is safflower oil healthy? Cannabis chewing gum soon to debut as fibromyalgia treatment; Physician ratings on websites don't reflect true doctor skills; Integrative medicine goes mainstream at UC Irvine with first of its kind 200 million dollar grant. Click HERE for part 1. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.


Leyla Weighs In
September 22, 2017
What is causing the surge in celiac disease? A look at factors including our genetics, environment and the wheat crop itself.


Functional Medicine with Dr. Josh Axe, Part 1
September 21, 2017
Dr. Josh Axe is a certified doctor of nutrition, a doctor of chiropractic, and a certified nutrition specialist. He is also founder of one of the most popular natural health websites in the world at with 15 million monthly visitors, where he recently listed Dr. Hoffman as one of the Top 50 Functional and Integrative Doctors. Dr. Axe recounts how his mother's health crisis propelled him into a career in natural medicine; he describes how a "leaky gut" can be the antecedent to many challenging disorders, and how normal intestinal permeability can be restored. Dr. Axe is a big proponent of bone broth, and describes how it works to heal the body and how best to prepare it. He offers tips on using essential oils to address common complaints and as a natural substitute for chemical-laden household products and cosmetics. He also weighs in with tips for athletes substituting an efficient form of exercise call "Burst Training" for lengthy workouts. Click HERE for part 2.


Functional Medicine with Dr. Josh Axe, Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his wide-ranging conversation with Dr. Josh Axe, a certified doctor of nutrition, a doctor of chiropractic, and a certified nutrition specialist. Click HERE for part 1.


Q&A With Leyla, Part 1
September 20, 2017
Heath benefits of olives and olive oil. My 32-year-old son has problems with methylation, what supplements are helpful? Do "healthful" sweeteners like stevia and xylitol trigger insulin like sugar? How would you treat sciatica? Click HERE for part 2.

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