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ENCORE: Balancing Drug Risks and Benefits, Part 2
December 14, 2017
Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Suzanne Robotti, founder of Click HERE for part 1.


Q&A with Leyla, Part 1
December 13, 2017
Food deserts vs. food swamps: which is worse for health? I've heard vitamin B1 is effective in preventing Alzheimer's, what is your opinion? Should pregnant women avoid cold cuts and certain cheeses? Click HERE for part 2.


Q&A with Leyla, Part 2

When I take a 100 mg dose of riboflavin it really hypes me up--much more than my other vitamins, why does this happen? My systolic blood pressure is always higher at the doctor's and dentist's office--especially when I'm anxiously waiting! My wife is having urinary issues and her doctor is recommending elimination of various foods, will this really help? How important is DHEA for bone mineral density? Click HERE for part 1.


Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for December 9, Part 1
December 11, 2017
46 million Americans headed to Alzheimer’s Disease; Canola oil implicated in cognitive decline; How safe is it for pregnant women to take the TDAP vaccine? Does the high fat content of the ketogenic diet make it unsafe? Whole eggs (with yolks) outperform egg whites for muscle-building; Is the low-fat DASH diet best for hypertension? Click HERE for part 2. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.


Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for December 9, Part 2

American Heart Association clings to low-fat dairy recommendations even as new study shows full-fat cheese lowers cardio risks; Oral contraceptive use encourages breast cancer; 57% of US children and teens at risk of obesity by age 35; Urban air pollution negates benefits of outdoor exercise; Taurine supports myelin repair in MS; Homemade yogurt resolves IBS symptoms; $65 per pill Viagra may soon yield to cheaper generics. Click HERE for part 1. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.


Nutritional Balance – Why Green Drinks Matter, Part 1
December 7, 2017
One of the most important issues that we face in the way we eat today is that people still struggle to get enough plant food in their diet. In particular, green foods. Why are greens so important to overall health? How do we get more greens in our diet? Why are green drinks a smart strategy? Jim LaValle, R.Ph., C.C.N, a nationally recognized clinical pharmacist, author, board-certified clinical nutritionist, and founder of Metabolic Code Enterprises, Inc., joins us today to discuss a great way to achieve “optimal” Nutritional Balance with Kyo-Green’s new and improved Green Superfood blends & powdered drink mixes. Click HERE for part 2.


Nutritional Balance – Why Green Drinks Matter, Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Jim LaValle, R.Ph., C.C.N, a nationally recognized clinical pharmacist, author, board-certified clinical nutritionist, and founder of Metabolic Code Enterprises, Inc. Click HERE for part 1.


Q&A with Leyla, Part 1
December 6, 2017
More on diagnosis creep and the high blood pressure guidelines. Can you comment on the studies that purport Paleo diets and other high protein diets do not lower blood sugar? I've been having hard stools every day with my bowel movements, am I drinking enough water? Is it my supplements? Click HERE for part 2.


Q&A with Leyla, Part 2

A moral dilemma in performing CPR? Can breathing cold air while running in the winter cause bronchial irritation or bronchitis? What are the best supplements for cataracts? Does nicotinamide riboside still hold up to scrutiny? Are there any natural approaches to treating actinic keratosis instead of Carac cream? Click HERE for part 1.


Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for December 2, Part 1
December 4, 2017
New blood pressure guidelines render nearly half of American adults candidates for drugs; Forecast for flu vaccine effectiveness is bleak—less than 10%! A listener asks if she’s likely to inherit a susceptibility to her mother’s atrial fibrillation; A caller newly diagnosed with hypertension seeks alternatives to medications; The President of the American Heart Association, age 52, suffers a heart attack during the AHA annual convention; The bizarre reason why women who suffer cardiac arrest are more likely to die than men; Coffee consumption—regular or decaf—promotes longevity. Click HERE for part 2. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.

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