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Leyla Weighs In: The Dirty Dozen and Clean 15
April 12, 2019
Environmental Working Group's 2019 list of the Dirty Dozen and Clean 15 for vegetables and fruits.


ENCORE: Sick Building Syndrome, Part 1
April 11, 2019
Alan Bell was a successful prosecuting attorney when he suddenly developed a mystery illness. After consulting numerous specialists, he finally met one who informed him that he had likely been poisoned. His medical odyssey is described in the new book "Poisoned." Bell ultimately discovered that he had developed Sick Building Syndrome after relocation to a new office. The only answer was a lonely sojourn in a chemical-free dwelling in the middle of the Arizona desert. How did Bell move toward recovery? How has his experience led to his environmental activism? Bell details the top ten chemicals to avoid; the 20 lifestyle tips that help prevent and reverse environmental illness. He estimates that millions of Americans, the vast majority unaware, are suffering the consequences of environmental toxicity. The chemical lobby opposes reform and American medicine silently colludes. What can be done to bring about change? Click HERE for part 2.


ENCORE: Sick Building Syndrome, Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Alan Bell, author of "Poisoned: How a Crime-Busting Prosecutor Turned His Medical Mystery into a Crusade for Environmental Victims." Click HERE for part 1.


Q&A with Leyla, Part 1: Mick Jagger
April 10, 2019
Documentary: Bleed Out; Mick Jagger's procedure; Blood transfusion alternatives; Help! My cholesterol went up after starting coconut oil; How safe and practical are dental implants? Click HERE for part 2.


Q&A with Leyla, Part 2: Anxiety & Depression

My friend has a gall bladder polyp. Can it be removed without taking out the gall bladder?; What can I give my 26-year-old daughter for anxiety and depression?; How can I prevent abdominal aortic aneurysm?; Why is it recommended to take probiotics on a daily basis? Click HERE for part 1.


Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for April 6, Part 1
April 8, 2019
What’s the ideal Omega 6:3 ratio? Omega 6 and Omega 3 fatty acids have opposite effects on childhood asthma risk; Mick Jagger’s heart valve surgery explained; When cancer cells are found in the uterus, is hysterectomy mandatory? Does chocolate really make acne worse? Research dispels popular view that sugar is a “pick-me-up”; Globally 1/5 of deaths attributable to diet—but is red meat the culprit? Fatty fish reduces risk of gouty attacks; Fish oil, vitamin D—under fire lately—vindicated by latest study results; Are your mitochondria leaky? Click HERE for part 2.


Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for April 6, Part 2

April is National IBS awareness month; Gut sufferers seek political clout in D.C.; Is beer the next cancer-fighting functional food? Eating more fruits and vegetables protects men from cognitive decline; Polypharmacy is rampant in seniors and hikes risk of adverse drug interactions; A flawed study argues that most women could be candidates for powerful osteoporosis meds; Tea confers far-ranging mood-enhancing and cognitive-protective benefits. Click HERE for part 1.


Leyla Weighs In: Health Tips, Continued
April 5, 2019
19 Health tips for 2019 - Part 2.


Q&A with Leyla, Part 1: Eggs and Bread
April 3, 2019
I'm interested in your take on the JAMA study linking egg consumption to increased cholesterol and risk of cardiovascular disease.; I know I shouldn't be eating bread, but if I choose to eat bread, which way do I go? Whole grain, gluten-free? Click HERE for part 2.


Q&A with Leyla, Part 2: Lowering your LDL

My LDL cholesterol is 206. How do I lower it? My doctor wants me to take Crestor but I would like to avoid the side effects.; How does glycine work as a sleep aid and why does Ann Louise Gittleman take more of it in the morning?; VSL #3 sellers found liable for false advertising and awards product inventor more than $18 million in damages. Click HERE for part 1.

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