BowelSoothe is for abdominal pain, cramps, bloating, distention, diarrhea, constipation, alternating diarrhea and constipation, nausea, bowel urgency, water retention and gas.
Vitapharmica recently introduced BowelSoothe into the U.S. market. In controlled clinical trials published in the Chinese Journal of Internal Medicine, it showed more than a 90 percent effective rate for reducing IBS symptoms and was significantly more effective than a standard therapy. It is the first dietary supplement in the United States that’s clinically proven safe and effective for IBS symptoms.
Course of Treatment: The recommended course of treatment for people with IBS symptoms is 15 days and requires 5 boxes of BowelSoothe.
About 54 million Americans continually experience mild to severe belly pain, cramps, gas, spasms, bloating, diarrhea and constipation. This 20 percent of our population suffer from a health condition known as Irritable Bowel Syndrome. IBS is the most common digestive problem seen by doctors, affecting three times more women than men. It ranks second behind the common cold in causing missed days from work. Standard tests such as X-ray, colonoscopy, ultrasound and blood analysis don’t show anything unusual in these sufferers. Currently there is no safe, effective treatment in the U.S. Because of the common occurrence of IBS, and the inability of the medical profession to find a cause or cure for this condition, there is a need for more research. The BowelSoothe available in the U.S. is the actual product researched and prescribed in Asia. It is the first dietary supplement in the U.S. that has extensive documentation to prove it safe and effective for IBS symptoms.