Intelligent Medicine®

ENCORE: Concussion Protocol Utilizing High-Dose Fish Oil, Part 1

When Brains Collide: What Every Athlete and Parent Should Know About the Prevention and Treatment of Concussions and Head Injuries,” a new book by West Point graduate and retired military physician Dr. Michael Lewis, details specific evidence-based protocols for concussion recovery. Millions of head injuries occur annually sometimes causing long-term, debilitating symptoms, not just in wounded GIs, but in high school, college and professional athletes, as well as the elderly who are prone to falls. What are the symptoms of a concussion? How is it diagnosed? Why might fish oil promote recovery from head injuries? Could taking fish oil preventively limit the severity of concussions? Are there ancillary benefits to taking fish oil? Why has the military been recalcitrant about instituting fish oil as preventive therapy for combatants? Does fish oil increase the risk for brain bleeds? Could Omega 3 supplementation reduce the incidence of CTE in professional athletes? How much do you need to take? What should consumers be looking for when they read labels? What additional therapies speed recovery from head trauma? Exercise? Bio-identical hormone replacement? Additional supplements? Hyperbaric oxygen? Cannabidiol (CBD)? Click HERE for part 2.

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