Prescription Drugs


Preventing Medication Related Errors with Dr. Hedva Barenholtz Levy, Part 1
December 5, 2023
We have a medication problem in America. It's marked not only by excessive use of medications, but by errors in how they are prescribed, monitored, and taken. Hedva Barenholtz Levy, PharmD, author of “Maybe It's Your Medications: How to Avoid Unnecessary Drug Therapy and Adverse Drug Reactions” provides insight, tips, and strategies to empower you not only to be more mindful about medication use, but to be prepared and more engaged with your drug therapy to improve medication safety. Click HERE for part 2.



Preventing Medication Related Errors with Dr. Hedva Barenholtz Levy, Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Hedva Barenholtz Levy, PharmD, author of “Maybe It's Your Medications: How to Avoid Unnecessary Drug Therapy and Adverse Drug Reactions.” Click HERE for part 1.



ENCORE: The Benefits of Compounded Medications and Supplements, Part 1
August 17, 2023
Compounding pharmacies form a vital link in the ecosystem of functional and integrative medicine. Yet their ability to provide patients with unique personalized medications and nutraceuticals is being threatened by regulatory overreach. Dr. John Kim, Pharm.D. is an expert on compounding and is director of Robinson Drug & Compounding Center. Why is BigPharma lobbying against bio-identical HRT? How might bias against compounding pharmacies limit innovative doctors’ options to personalize treatments; Why offering custom-tailored medications is preferable to a one-size-fits-all approach; Dr. Kim discusses natural hormones, low-dose naltrexone, innovative pain formulations, and novel intravenous products. Compounding pharmacies like his are essential providers of the unique medications and supplements that require specialized delivery systems for children with autism; How consumers can push back against restrictive regulations that threaten to deny them the benefits of compounded medications—The Alliance for Pharmacy Compounding is fighting for patients’ rights. Click HERE for part 2.



ENCORE: The Benefits of Compounded Medications and Supplements, Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Dr. John Kim, Pharm.D., an expert on compounding, about compounding pharmacies' vital link in the ecosystem of functional and integrative medicine and the threat they're under by regulatory overreach. Click HERE for part 1.



ENCORE: Intelligent Medicine Radio for August 12, Part 2: Improving Stroke Recovery
August 14, 2023
Is exercise more effective than drugs or talk therapy for depression and anxiety? Improving stroke recovery; Makers of sugary cereals threaten to sue Feds over loss of “healthy” food labeling. Prescription meds don’t cut it for long-term management of sleep problems; Why cars make drivers drowsy; “Catch-up sleep” on weekends is not the solution for workday sleep deficits; Vitamin D vs. dementia; Sketchy ties with Big Pharma prompt resignation of FDA official; Asthma rescue med shortage highlights U.S. drug supply chain problems. Click HERE for part 1. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.



ENCORE: Everything you ever wanted to know about Low-Dose Naltrexone, Part 1
August 8, 2023
Dr. Pamela Smith joins us to provide an update on LDN, a versatile therapy that delivers a low dose of a commonly prescribed lifesaving medication used to reverse narcotics overdoses. Dr. Smith describes how LDN reboots the immune system and tamps down inflammation, accounting for its ubiquitous applications. A myriad of conditions respond to LDN: autoimmune disorders like inflammatory bowel disease and ulcerative colitis; painful conditions like fibromyalgia, many cancers, skin disorders, and infertility, even with applications for stubborn weight gain. The latest research focuses on the role LDN might play to hasten resolution of Long Covid. Dr. Smith’s most recent book, "Max Your Immunity: How to Maximize Your Immune System When You Need It Most" is a timely look at what works to fortify resilience in the face of the pandemic, with an entire chapter devoted to LDN. More information on LDN can be found at LDN Research Trust. Click HERE for part 2.



ENCORE: Everything you ever wanted to know about Low-Dose Naltrexone, Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Dr. Pamela Smith, author of "Max Your Immunity: How to Maximize Your Immune System When You Need It Most." Click HERE for part 1.



ENCORE: Intelligent Medicine Radio for August 5, Part 1: New Weight Loss Drugs
August 7, 2023
New weight loss drugs: “Ozempic face” is trending/Shady start-ups dish online prescriptions/Rapid weight loss may accelerate muscle loss/Rebound weight gain? Is “non-allergic rhinitis” a misnomer? Omega-3 supplements—until recently banned by NCAA—may improve athletic performance, reduce risk of concussions; Yucky sidewalk germs justify taking off shoes when going inside; Pros and cons of pacemakers. Click HERE for part 2. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.



Q&A with Leyla, Part 2: Hypothyroidism
May 17, 2023
Is there any relationship between my low ferritin level and my hypothyroidism?; I need to get my mom's prescription renewed, can I do that here?; To add some salt seasoning to food, is organic tamari sauce good to use?; What do you think of apple cider vinegar in the prevention of atherosclerosis?; What organization can I join to show opposition to the bill that could stop the use of medications off-label?; Can I use Flava Naturals in my smoothie even though I have GERD?; Can bioidentical hormone replacement therapy thicken the uterine lining? Click HERE for part 1.



ENCORE: China’s Inroads Into Our Drug and Supplement Marketplace, Part 1
May 16, 2023
Rosemary Gibson, a health policy expert and investigative journalist, blows the lid off China’s inroads into our drug and supplement marketplace in her book, "China Rx: Exposing the Risks of America's Dependence on China for Medicine." 90% of the raw materials that go into our medications are sourced from China; many supplement ingredients also come from there. Generic drugs especially are prone to adulteration and contamination. There are well-documented episodes of harm from improperly formulated China-sourced medications. Inspection of Chinese manufacturing facilities is challenging, and many cut corners and falsify documentation. China’s domination of the worldwide drug market is a deliberate policy underwritten by Chinese central planners. It’s a national security issue because it places enormous leverage over Americans. There’s deliberate stealing of US intellectual property with regard to drug development. Gibson discusses strategies for disengaging from Chinese hegemony over our medication. We also touch on her books, "Wall of Silence: The Untold Story of the Medical Mistakes That Kill and Injure Millions of Americans" in which she exposes the pervasiveness of medical errors, and "The Treatment Trap: How the Overuse of Medical Care Is Wrecking Your Health and What You Can Do to Prevent It" which reveals rampant over-testing and over-treatment, to the detriment of patients. Click HERE for part 2.


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