Prescription Drugs


Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for July 18, Part 1
July 20, 2020
Are sunscreen chemicals putting you, your kids, or your developing fetus at risk? Bone-growth stimulators for healing fractures—can you still use them if you have a pacemaker? Natural “Testosterone precursors”—do they really forestall muscle loss? How do plant-based meat substitutes compare to animal protein for fending off sarcopenia? Medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs) forestall cognitive decline in frail elderly; Acid blockers render patients more susceptible to COVID-19; Pre- and probiotics to support a coronavirus-resistant microbiome; Study links fermented vegetable consumption to reduced risk of dying of COVID-19; Think zinc for immunity. Click HERE for part 2. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.



Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for July 18, Part 2

The highly politicized hydroxychloroquine controversy; A caller worries that errant saliva from a passing bicyclist might infect her with coronavirus; How soon to test for COVID-19 after a possible exposure—and what about false negatives? The glutathione connection to COVID-19 complications and death; Medical societies urge quarantined persons to get some vitamin D amid lockdown; The debate over whether schools should reopen—are kids capable of turning classrooms into hot zones? Study reveals people experience “time warp” during lockdown; Stay-at-home orders are particularly hard on the overweight trying to shed pounds. Click HERE for part 1. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.



Q&A with Leyla, Part 2: Stomach Upset/Indigestion
July 8, 2020
Why is my overall body temperature measured to be around 94 degrees? I otherwise feel pretty good for a 65-year-old; What is the popular remedy of choice for stomach upset/indigestion? Baking soda? Apple cider vinegar?; I've been taking Nexium for two months now and want to wean off. How can I do this as quickly as possible?; Is it safe to take Candibactin to combat SIBO during the time of COVID? Click HERE for part 1.



Q&A with Leyla, Part 2: Intermittent Leg Pains
July 1, 2020
--My wife has been sick with intermittent bronchitis and pneumonia since last year and it is only intensifying - help! --My husband suffered a stroke last year and has some residual symptoms. Where can I take him for treatment in the Naples, Florida area? --I'm 83 with well-controlled diabetes and kidney disease. Can I take metformin and/or L-glutamine? --My five-year-old granddaughter has intermittent leg pains. Any recommendations? --My recent blood tests reveal high B12 and folate levels? Should I be concerned? Click HERE for part 1.



Q&A with Leyla, Part 2: New Obesity Treatment?
June 24, 2020
I have a chronic cough and green sputum that is resistant to several antibiotics. What can I do naturally?; What is your take on the recent retractions of anti-hydroxychloroquine studies by the Lancet and New England Journal of Medicine?; There's a new obesity treatment that works by making mitochondria less efficient. I thought it desirable to have more efficient mitochondria. Am I wrong? Click HERE for part 1.



Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for June 20, Part 2
June 22, 2020
Seniors sheltering-in-place risk dying from loneliness; Safe sex during the pandemic: masks and disinfectants? Old repurposed drugs may provide inexpensive solutions for COVID-19; Can you have too strong an immune system? Should statins be avoided in heart failure? Melatonin may not be a panacea for sleep; Ultra-processed foods shorten telomeres. Click HERE for part 1. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.



Q&A with Leyla, Part 1: Face Shields, How Protective Are They?
June 3, 2020
Why do you recommend a supplement containing spirulina? Doesn't it contain heavy metals and the neurotoxin BMAA?; What are your thoughts on face shields? How protective are they?; I have a 3-year-old and a 10-year-old. How do I dose them on Oregacillin?; I take a medication that's on the anticholinergic cognitive burden scale. Are there any supplements to help mitigate the risks? Click HERE for part 2.



Q&A with Leyla, Part 2: IV Vitamin C
April 29, 2020
Last month a hospital in Long Island was using intravenous Vitamin C to treat severe cases of COVID-19? That story seems to have faded away. Any idea why?; I have thrombocythemia. Is there any alternative treatment besides hydroxyurea? And if I must take the drug, what can I do to mitigate its' side effects?; Can you clarify the difference between NT Factor and Tru-Niagen? Which one would you choose for health and longevity? Click HERE for part 1.



Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for April 25, Part 1
April 27, 2020
How did the coronavirus models go so wrong? Antibody tests reveal more of us have had the virus than we could’ve imagined; The surprising secret to coronavirus’ elusiveness. Covid-19 can truly be said to be lifestyle disease; Hydroxychloroquine—boon or bust? Ventilators save only 10% of critically ill Covid-19 patients; Are masks useless without protective eyewear? FBI raids clinic offering IV vitamin C as coronavirus treatment. Click HERE for part 2. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.



Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for April 25, Part 2

There’s nothing magical about walking 10,000 steps; Could pain meds for sciatica relieve IBS symptoms? These athletes got electIve surgery—why couldn’t you? Help for a listener with chronic pain—medical marijuana to reduce dependency on opiates? Celery is a good source of luteolin—with powerful antiviral effects; Why French researchers are studying the nicotine patch as a coronavirus therapy; To get back to work and recreation, we’ll need a Manhattan Project-style initiative to retrofit our public spaces with the latest antiviral technology. Click HERE for part 1. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.


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