Dr. Benjamin Brown


ENCORE: Debunking Myths about Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Part 1
September 14, 2021
One of the world’s most authoritative experts on Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), author of "The Digestive Health Solution," dispels myths about this poorly understood condition. In an article entitled “Does Irritable Bowel Syndrome Exist?,” Dr. Benjamin Brown challenges the notion that it’s one overarching disease; rather there are many subtypes, amenable to solutions other than routine antispasmodics, antidepressants, and fiber supplements that deliver relief to a mere 25% of sufferers. And it’s not just a psychological disorder. He discusses the role of diet, probiotics, and herbs. What about the low-FODMAP diet? Gluten-avoidance? Food allergies? Histamine intolerance? Pancreatic enzymes? Cognitive-behavioral therapy and stress reduction? Is there a relationship between IBS and fibromyalgia? Click HERE for part 2.



ENCORE: Debunking Myths about Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with one of the world’s most authoritative experts on Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), author of "The Digestive Health Solution," Dr. Benjamin Brown. Click HERE for part 1.



Special Covid-19 Update: Coronavirus Fears, Part 1
March 29, 2020
Benjamin Asher MD, integrative ENT specialist, with extensive background in Mind-Body Medicine and with over three decades experience as a meditation teacher, shares tips on combatting stress and anxiety during the current lockdown. There are well-vetted techniques for coping with worries over vulnerability which arise naturally under challenging circumstances such as we’re all experiencing; some involve meditation, some cognitive reframing, others are procedures that alter the brain’s fear circuitry. Dr. Asher explains how early life trauma can program the nervous system for exaggerated reactivity; identifying these buried insults and appropriately processing them can set the stage for healing. Additionally, some individuals with chronic medical conditions may feel exceptionally at risk—perhaps without medically-valid justification. Others with perfectionistic Type A personalities may feel especially thwarted as their demanding routines and careful plans are disrupted. Dr. Asher offers advice on how to “go with the flow” and create a personal path of acceptance. Ultimately, the current crisis may be a crucible for personal development and cultivation of resiliency. Click HERE for part 2.


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