Digestive Health


Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for January 9, Part 2
January 11, 2021
Ultra-processed foods—what are they? How bad are they for you? How do they undermine your health? Using iron injections for anemia; When babies suffer from reflux; The food industry’s pervasive influence on nutrition research; Does heating olive oil damage its beneficial polyphenols? Ginger vs. autoimmune disease; Science Times flubs story on coconut oil, branding it harmful, ignoring ample evidence of its brain-protective effects. Click HERE for part 1. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.



ENCORE: Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for December 26, Part 1
December 28, 2020
The medical establishment still can’t get diet for diabetes right; Why do cardiologists still tell patients to avoid cheese? When you eat as important as what you eat in managing diabetes; Losing just a few pounds can lower your risk of progressing to diabetes by nearly 50%; Chemicals in your home can cause diabetes; The low-FODMAP diet for IBS; Muscle relaxants plus NSAIDs—the “standard of care” for back pain—no better than placebo, study says; Calf muscle circumference a good predictor of health outcomes. Click HERE for part 2. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.



Q&A with Leyla, Part 1: The Post-Vaccine Era
December 16, 2020
We are in the post-vaccine era; Going for an MRI? Avoid mask burn; I've heard Dr. Fauci talk about wearing masks but only speak once about the necessity of protecting the eyes with goggles or a face shield. How important is this?; My multivitamin lists 25 ingredients and recommends one pill a day. Is that enough?; I've had 4 cases of diverticulitis over the past 3 years and am interested in breaking the vicious cycle. How do I do this while eating a completely plant-based diet? Click HERE for part 2.



Leyla Weighs In: Reversing Heart Failure
December 4, 2020
High fat ketogenic diet could prevent, reverse heart failure according to a recent study; The importance of nutrition and digestion in chronic disease.



ENCORE: Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for November 28, Part 2
November 30, 2020
Walking to work beats a casual stroll; High glycemic index (GI) proven to hike heart risk; Mexico bans soft drink sales to kids in effort to curb obesity; Natural treatment of acid reflux; Breast implant illness—is it real? Is there a way to avoid hernia surgery? Screen time associated with poor diet, health; Study reveals only one in ten medical treatments backed by solid evidence; What could be causing numbness in fingertips? Click HERE for part 1. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.



Postbiotics: The New Frontier in Microbiome Science, Part 1
November 24, 2020
Why it is important for your PROBIOTICS to contain POSTBIOTICS? Health Expert and Master Educator, Dr. Ross Pelton, R.Ph, CCN is a pharmacist, clinical nutritionist, health educator, and Scientific Director for Essential Formulas, Inc. He explains that postbiotic metabolites are now understood to be some of the most important health-regulating compounds in the body. Some of their powerful benefits include: anti-inflammatory activity, regulation of the immune system, gut-brain communication, and much more. Check out his article: "Postbiotic Metabolites: The New Frontier in Microbiome Science." Dr. Pelton also discusses the important benefits of glutathione and has this article: "Lactobacillus Fermentum ME-3: A New Era in Glutathione Therapy." Also, here is a free copy of his Quick Reference Guide to Drug-Induced Nutrient Depletions. Click HERE for part 2.



Postbiotics: The New Frontier in Microbiome Science, Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Dr. Ross Pelton, R.Ph, CCN, pharmacist, clinical nutritionist, health educator, and Scientific Director for Essential Formulas, Inc. Click HERE for part 1.



Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for November 21, Part 2
November 23, 2020
Vaccine FAQs—what we know and what we don’t; Can you blend your vitamins into your smoothie? Do dark stools require medical attention? Iodine deficiency is common in vegans; Too much Omega 6 in the absence of Omega 3 in mothers’ diets during pregnancy may program offspring for cravings, obesity; Medical practices hit hard by COVID-19, majority of docs have seen loss in revenue; Too many antibiotics in children under 2 trigger allergies, autoimmunity, obesity, and behavioral problems. Click HERE for part 1. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.



Leyla Weighs In: SIBO, Plus Caffeine and Sleep
November 20, 2020
Nutritionist Leyla Muedin answers this listener question: I was recently diagnosed with SIBO. Which diet should I be on, low FODMAP or low carb? Plus, following bad sleep, drink coffee after breakfast, not before.



Q&A with Leyla, Part 1: Obesity and COVID-19 Risk
November 18, 2020
Study: Link between obesity and Covid-19 risk; My SIBO symptoms returned 2 months after taking botanical therapies. Could that be due to the changes in intestinal flora?; Can SIBO be caused by a malfunction of the Migratory Motor Complex?; Am I breaking my Intermittent Fasting by taking Synthroid every morning?; My wife is taking Strontium for osteoporosis. What else would you advise? Click HERE for part 2.


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