

Conquering Cancer, Part 1
October 18, 2016
Conquering Cancer, an interview with Mary Beth Gonzalez, wife of the late pioneering cancer physician Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez. On the occasion of the release of “Conquering Cancer Volume One: 50 Pancreatic and Breast Cancer Patients on the Gonzalez Nutritional Protocol,” a compendium of case studies from Dr. Gonzalez’s practice illustrating remarkable survival stories of advanced cancer patients utilizing natural therapies. What are the main components of the Gonzalez protocol? Is there real documentation of the method’s efficacy? What’s being done to perpetuate the legacy of Dr. Gonzalez? Will future generations of doctors embrace his paradigm? Click HERE for part 2.



Conquering Cancer, Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Mary Beth Gonzalez, wife of the late pioneering cancer physician Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez. on the occasion of the release of “Conquering Cancer Volume One: 50 Pancreatic and Breast Cancer Patients on the Gonzalez Nutritional Protocol.” Click HERE for part 1.



Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for October 8, Part 1
October 9, 2016
A listener reports "I've lost my sense of taste"--what to do? Overdiagnosis: Too many unnecessary PAP smears and colonoscopies? Ben Stiller offers himself up as poster boy for PSA testing--but is he right that the test "saved his life?" Sex before athletic competition? Breakfast before workouts? "My doctor told me to avoid "all supplements" when I take Coumadin; Yoga effective vs. Generalized Anxiety Disorder; Those "brain games" you've been hearing about fail to yield real-world cognitive benefits. Click HERE for part 2. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.



Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for September 24, Part 2
September 26, 2016
Will my vertebral compression fractures ever heal? Eczema-proof your kids with niacinamide; E-cigs deliver toxic residues of flavor additives; Presidential candidates' selective health revelations; Man succumbs to "Bagpipe Lung"; Smoking damage to DNA even more severe than thought; Gluten-intolerant individuals show markers of inflammation, intestinal damage; Scientists discover "microbiome fingerprint" of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome; Anxiety doubles men's risk of cancer death. Click HERE for part 1. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.



Unprecedented Access to Integrative Healthcare Information, Part 1
September 20, 2016
Attention fans of Intelligent Medicine: this episode will turn you on to an important resource that can make you a more informed listener. It’s TAP Integrative, a non-profit educational resource for integrative practitioners—and for sophisticated lay persons who want to stay abreast of the latest developments in natural medicine. TAP Integrative’s Executive Director, Lise Alschuler joins us to offer a sampling of TAP’s content: A recent clinical focus on fecal transfer for gastrointestinal ailments, natural treatment for cancer, cardiovascular disease and depression, and my recent TAP feature on ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s Disease. We also cover what supplements NOT to take if you have cancer. Click HERE for part 2.



Unprecedented Access to Integrative Healthcare Information, Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Lise Alschuler, Executive Director of TAP Integrative -- an important resource that can make you a more informed medical consumer. Click HERE for part 1.



Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for September 17, Part 2
September 19, 2016
Women who stash cell phones in their bras may risk breast cancer; Do wireless headphones pose health risks? Do overweight military recruits portend a national security crisis? Electronic medical records leave doctors, patients frustrated; In early prostate cancer, active surveillance equivalent to surgery, radiation in terms of survival; Do anti-inflammatory drugs get impede healing of tendonitis? Click HERE for part 1. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.



September Potpourri, Part 2
September 15, 2016
Poop pills laden with healthy microbes might eventually help patients recover from stroke damage; Taking Viagra before triathlon events could help prevent swim deaths; Selenium may halt progression of abnormal PAP smears to cervical cancer; A new HPV medication called Veregen is a topical ointment made from EGCG; other nutrients and botanicals that can play a role in cervical cancer prevention. Click HERE for part 1.



Dr. Hoffman’s Summer Potpourri of Health Stories, Part 2
August 30, 2016
Dr. Hoffman continues his summary of important health stories that there hasn't been time to cover. Click HERE for part 1.



Q&A with Leyla, Part 2
August 24, 2016
How can I tell if my blood is too thin from some of the supplements I’m taking like fish oil and garlic? Can medical marijuana help my father with his metastatic cancer and trigeminal neuralgia pain? I’m trying to get off Prilosec but I still have reflux…help! Click HERE for part 1.


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