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Intelligent Medicine: Extraordinary longevity
February 20, 2014
Dr. Hoffman takes a tour of "The Blue Zones”—lessons we can learn from places of extraordinary longevity; he takes the “Vitality Compass” test, and finds it lacking; dairy products increase risk of prostate cancer; a “Red Zone” of poor health is emerging in the Persian Gulf; the Justina Pelletier case—is her family “shopping” a medical explanation for their daughter’s mental condition, or is the State depriving the Pelletier’s of their right to health care self-determination?


Intelligent Medicine: Beating the winter blahs
February 18, 2014
Q&A with Leyla: Beating the winter blahs; a nutty contradiction in the book "Grain Brain" by Dr. David Perlmutter; best and worst nut oils; Calorease, another miracle weight loss breakthrough from Dr. Oz? Are cabbage family vegetables bad for the thyroid? The ideal bedtime snack; do kids need more fluoride?


Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for February 15 Part 2
February 17, 2014
Dr. Hoffman debunks the latest supplement scare story: vitamins bad for your workout? So NOT! The trouble with Krill oil; IV Vitamin C prolongs cancer survival. Click here for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.


Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for February 15 Part 1

Mammograms DON’T save lives; Shiver your way to weight loss—hot pepper extract could help; too; VItamins effective in treating adult ADHD. Click here for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.


Intelligent Medicine: Anti-supplement bias
February 14, 2014
Yet another negative story about supplements: antioxidants and resveratrol BAD for exercisers?? Dr. Hoffman drills down on the evidence (or lack thereof), and comes up with some surprising revelations of anti-supplement bias.


Intelligent Medicine: Health at gunpoint
February 13, 2014
Health at Gunpoint: The FDA’s Silent War Against Health Freedom—How the FDA has become tainted by lobbyists and money, and how globalization and politics endanger our access to natural alternatives.


Intelligent Medicine: Death By Food Pyramid
February 12, 2014
Death by Food Pyramid: How shoddy science, sketchy politics and shady special interests ruined our health . . . and how to reclaim it! Defending ominvorism; Critiquing the cornerstone of vegetarianism—The China Study by Colin Campbell; If you want to go vegan, here’s what you need to know to safeguard your health


Intelligent Medicine for February 11, 2014
February 11, 2014
Understanding your blood tests: Interpretation guidelines for common blood tests from the book "Your Blood Never Lies” with author James LaValle; the tests your doctor should order but never does, and nutrients to address common blood abnormalities (HINT: Kyolic Aged Garlic Extract figures prominently!)


Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for February 8 Part 2
February 10, 2014
What do Vladimir Putin and Dr. H have in common? A man has heart attack, then walks around the world; Intravenous Vitamin C as an adjunct to cancer therapy; High sugar consumption can double the risk of dying from heart disease. Click here for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.


Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for February 8 Part 1

Insufficient Vitamin D responsible for a high percentage of hip fractures and joint replacements; melatonin for breast cancer; probiotics for autism; flaxseed for blood pressure; “Dr. House” helps German doctors figure out a tough case. Click here for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.

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