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“The Supermarket Guru” on Food Trends, Part 1
January 19, 2016
Phil Lempert—"The Supermarket Guru”—joins Intelligent Medicine for a discussion of food trends: Are Americans really opting for higher quality foods? Why are big companies like Campbell’s breaking ranks from GMO “omertà”; Why are more manufacturers eliminating artificial flavorings and colorings? What’s the low-down on organic labeling? How about grass-fed beef? What are some of the big new food predictions for 2016? How is the sugar backlash impacting consumers? Why seafood from China may not be such a bargain; How “locally-grown” products are making a comeback; Why counterfeit foods may be bilking consumers. Click HERE for part 2.


“The Supermarket Guru” on Food Trends, Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Phil Lempert—"The Supermarket Guru”—on food trends. Click HERE for part 1.


Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for January 16, Part 1
January 18, 2016
Poop pill promises to reverse obesity, but scientists say it may be too late to save the human microbiome; Charlie Sheen goes off the rails again with misinformed holistic HIV "cure;" Tomatoes may be potent gout, arthritis trigger; It had to happen--you can now track your sexual 5 mileage with the "SexFit"; How to allergy-proof your child; Why fish intake by pregnant women improves a child's brain; "Burn fat while you sleep" may be more than just an idle promise; I report on my test-drive on the "Whole30" Diet. Click HERE for part 2. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.


Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for January 16, Part 2

President Obama declares war on cancer, appoints Joe Biden as Cancer Czar; 45 years after Nixon launched cancer "moonshot"--and over 200 billion dollars later--most cancers elude cure; Why obesity makes many cancers worse; E-cigarettes target young people, offer gateway to nicotine addiction; The WORST health and nutrition stories of 2015; What US News and World Reports got wrong in their Best Diets ratings; Vaunted low-fat DASH Diet works better when you add fat! Click HERE for part 1. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.


Leyla Weighs In
January 15, 2016
Everything you want to know about hypoglycemia: why we get it; what causes it; what we can do about it.


Q&A with Leyla, Part 1
January 13, 2016
What can I take to undo the harmful effects of radiation from x-rays and CT-scans? Can I use SuperBeets as a vegetable serving? Are saturated fats the “bad fats” in Alzheimer’s? What do you think of the advice to not mix grains with fruit? Don’t almonds and almond flour product contain a lot of oxalates? Click HERE for part 2.


Q&A with Leyla, Part 2

My migraines returned when I stopped taking niacin for high cholesterol, is this withdrawal? What supplements can I take for mitral valve prolapse and regurgitation of the bicuspid valve? I’ve read that olive oil causes endothelial dysfunction after meals, is this true? Are there any supplements helpful for myasthenia gravis? Click HERE for part 1.


Natural Prevention and Treatment of Liver Disease, Part 1
January 12, 2016
It may surprise you that the number one cause of liver disease in this country is not alcohol, not viral hepatitis, but rather poor diet leading to fatty liver. Dr. Lyn Patrick, founder of, is a world-recognized expert on natural prevention and treatment of liver disease. What are the risk factors for fatty liver? What tests are used to diagnose it? What diet can successfully reverse it? What supplements are beneficial? Which are to be avoided? Click HERE for part 2.


Natural Prevention and Treatment of Liver Disease, Part 2

Dr. Hoffman continues his conversation with Dr. Lyn Patrick, founder of Click HERE for part 1.


Intelligent Medicine Radio Show for January 9, Part 1
January 11, 2016
Cancer's not simply "the luck of the draw;" Sugar now proven to drive cancer growth, spread; When it comes to junk cravings, your intestinal bugs may be the boss of you; Is it fair to involve doctors in the implementation of new gun rules? Can prenatal choline head of mental problems in offspring? Borderline blood sugar, even without full-blown diabetes, adds to kidney disease likelihood; When it comes to predicting heart risk, ditch the BMI, use the waist/hip ratio; Pizza packaging may be even worse for you than the pizza; A sweet cure for Lyme Disease--stevia? Click HERE for part 2. Click HERE for articles and resources relating to this podcast episode.

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