Intelligent Medicine®

July 2020

July 25

Home-made face masks likely need at least two layers to curb COVID-19 spread
Thorax, July 24, 2020; DOI: 10.1136/thoraxjnl-2020-215748

Glycosylated hemoglobin is associated with systemic inflammation, hypercoagulability, and prognosis of COVID-19 patients
Diabetes Research and Clinical PracticeVOLUME 164, 108214, JUNE 01, 2020

Poor diets threaten US national security-and it’s serious
By Gisela Crespo CNN July 20, 2020

Hyperglycaemia is associated with impaired muscle signaling and aerobic adaptation to exercise
Nature Metabolism (Published: 20 July 2020

Compound in pickled capers could benefit the heart and brain
By Eleanor Bird, July 24, 2020

Optically improved mitochondrial function redeems aged human visual decline
The Journals of Gerontology: Series A, glaa155, Published:29 June 2020

Grunenthal and Averitas Pharma announce U.S. FDA approval of QUTENZA for the treatment of neuropathic pain associated with diabetic peripheral neuropathy of the feet
Grünenthal Group, Jul 21, 2020

Effects of oily fish intake on cognitive and socioemotional function in healthy 8-9-year-old children: the FISK Junior randomized trial
The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Volume 112, Issue 1, July 2020, Pages 74–83

Glycemic load, dietary fiber, and added sugar and fecundability in 2 preconception cohorts
The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Volume 112, Issue 1, July 2020, Pages 27–38

COVID-19 Treatment – Analysis of 63 global studies showing high effectiveness for early treatment

July 18

Shining a light on sunscreen chemicals
By Jo Craven McGinty, The Wall Street Journal, July 18, 2020

COVID-19 stay-at-home orders negatively impacted patients with obesity
Zeena Nackerdien Ph.D.,  Medpage Today, June 23, 2020

Survey results suggest people in the United Kingdom perceived time passing differently compared to pre-lockdown
PLOS,  Published: July 6, 2020

A Texas ICU nurse is hospitalized with Covid-19 after testing negative
By Alisha Ebrahimji, CNN,  July 14, 2020

Medical societies advise on vitamin D in midst of COVID-19
Becky McCall,  Medscape,  July 10, 2020

Endogenous deficiency of glutathione as the most likely cause of serious manifestations and death in COVID-19 patients
ACS Infect Dis. 2020 May 28: acsinfecdis.0c00288.  

COVID-19 transmission and children: The child is not to Blame
Pediatrics July 2020, e2020004879 

German study finds no evidence coronavirus spreads in schools
By Justin Huggler,  The  Telegraph, July 30, 2020

COVID-19 false-negative test results if used too early
Johns Hopkins Medicine

Study links fermented vegetable consumption to low COVID-19 mortality
By Sally Robertson B.Sc July 8, 2020

Proton pump inhibitors tied to COVID-19 risk
Family Practice News By Laird Harrison Family Practice News

Gut microbiota and Covid-19 possible link and implications
Virus Research, Volume 285, August 2020, 198018

Soy and wheat proteins helpful for building aging muscles, but no as potent as animal protein
The Physiological Society, July 7, 2020

Medium-chain triglycerides (8:0 and 10:0) increase mini-mental state examination (MMSE) score in frail elderly adults in a randomized controlled trial
The Journal of Nutrition, nxaa186, Published: 11 July 2020

Zinc and the immune system
Mol Med. 2008 May-Jun; 14(5-6): 353–357.  

The trouble with ingredients in sunscreens  


July 11

Effects of the low carbohydrate, high fat diet on glycemic control and body weight in patients with type2 diabetes: experience from a community-based cohort
BMJ Open Diabetes Res Care. 2020; 8(1): e000980. Published online 2020 Mar 18

Stretching regimen linked to vascular benefits
Journal of Physiology, First published: 26 June 2020

Colonoscopy over age 75 should be ‘carefully considered’
JAMA Netw Open. 2020;3(6):e208958. doi:10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2020.8958  

Cancer screening leaps forward
By Andy Kessler, The Wall Street Journal

Common food additive causes adverse health effects in mice
Small, 2020; 2001858 DOI10.1002/smll.202001858  

Exercise can slow or prevent vision loss
IOVS, 2020 DOI10.1167/iovs.61.5.52 

Inflammatory bowel disease linked to doubling in dementia risk
Gut, 2020; gutjnl-2020-320789 DOI10.1136/gutjnl-2020-320789 

Hot flushes and night sweats linked to 70% increase in cardiovascular disease
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 2020; DOI: 10.1016/j.ajog.2020.06.039  

Report calls for limits on compounded bioidentical hormone therapy
NASEM Review, DOI:

Meat and mental health: a systematic review of meat abstention and depression, anxiety, and related phenomena
Journal Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, DOI: 10.1080/10408398.2020.1741505

Did the BLM protests cause a surge in COVID-19 cases
NBER Working Paper No. 27408, Issued in June 2020

Study: 35 percent of excess deaths in pandemic’s early months tied to causes other than COVID-19
JAMA, 2020; DOI10.1001/jama.2020.11787  

Twin epidemics of COVID-19 and non-communicable disease
BMJ 2020;369:m2618 

The effect of frailty on survival in patients with COVID-19 (COPE): a multicentre, European, observational cohort study
The Lancet, Published: June 30, 2020


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