Does any of the following sound like you?
- Unable to control your appetite
- Believe there are certain foods that you can’t live without
- Feel euphoric/calm/happy/sleepy after eating food(s) you crave
- Feel worse after eating foods you crave
- Eating or craving foods you never did before
- Unable to stop eating your favorite foods even when you’re full
If it does, you could be addicted to food.
We want to help you stop the madness once and for all!
Did you know there is a physiological basis for food addiction and overeating? The food industry has effectively gripped our brains using powerful food science and technology. Find out why we eat the way we do, what’s driving it, and what we can do about it. We will arm you with proven strategies you can put to use immediately so you can effectively change your eating behavior.Download your own copy of this important video presentation by Dr. Ronald Hoffman and Nutritionist Leyla
Download your own copy of this important video presentation by Dr. Ronald Hoffman and Nutritionist Leyla Muedin.
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