Your Recipes

If you’re like me, you love to experiment in the kitchen and discover new healthy recipes. If you have a favorite recipe that you’ve created that complements the Intelligent Medicine lifestyle, we’d love to share it with the entire Intelligent Medicine community. Please click HERE for submission guidelines and instructions, and you may find your recipe posted on this page in the near future. Thanks!

Dr. Ronald Hoffman

TURMERIC CHICKEN, submitted by Mariam Touzie

One organically grown chicken leg (drum and thigh) (this one is Bell & Evans)
One lemon (organic)
One carrot (organic)
Three sticks of asparagus (organic)
Half of a small red onion (organic)
Olive oil (organic) enough to cover the bottom of your frying pan with a thin layer
One-quarter of a teaspoon of Turmeric powder
Sea salt to taste

Wash the chicken leg and rub the turmeric powder mixed with some sea salt and set aside. 

Then peel the onion and chop it into small pieces. 

Now bring a medium-size frying pan, pour the olive oil in it and put it on the stove on low heat. As soon as the oil is warmed up add your chopped onion, stir occasionally until it’s golden brown.

Then lay down the chicken leg on top of the sautéed onion and cover. This part, depending on the pan and the stove, you can decide how long on the low heat before turning it over. Usually, the chicken peals off of the pan so easily if it is ready to be turned over. While the other side of the chicken is cooking, you can wash and peel the carrot, and slice it the way you like.

Then the lemon should be washed and peeled only by the yellow top skin. Then cut it in four pieces and take the seeds off.

Now your chicken is almost ready. Add the carrot to the pan. Stir onion and carrots together, then add the lemon plus one cup of water and cover.  Cook for about 20 minutes on low heat.

Please wash and cut your asparagus to add at the last minute. Just one minute after that, your meal is ready to eat. Enjoy!


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